With alpha channel enabled:
With alpha channel disabled:
Images display fine using the same plugins in Massigra (and other viewer supporting susie plugins):
I've exported as tiff what I was getting in XnView and compared the channels in Photoshop with properly rendered images.
It seems XnView puts the alpha in the red, the red in the green, the green in the blue and the blue in the alpha.
It's the same with all avif and jxl images I tried.
The plugins: https://github.com/uyjulian/ifavif/rele ... l32.gcc.7z and https://github.com/uyjulian/ifjxl/relea ... l32.gcc.7z
The test image: https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/av1-avi ... exico.avif
More avif files in the same repo as the above sample and jxl ones here: https://github.com/libjxl/conformance
Hopefully it can be fixed.