Greenfish Software wrote:Greenfish Icon Editor Pro is a powerful freeware icon, cursor, animation and icon library editor. Layer support with advanced selection handling makes it a really professional and unique freeware tool for designing small pixelgraphic images. GFIE offers high-quality filters like Bevel, Drop Shadow and Glow; supports editing animated cursors and managing icon libraries. It's lightweight (< 2 MB unzipped) and also has a portable version - just unpack it to your USB drive and use it anywhere. A clean, customizable, multilanguage user interface makes it really easy to learn and use.
Useful links:
Portable version
French and Russian help packages
A third-party GFIE tutorial
Video tutorial on installation, by DownloadTube
Certified 100% clean of malware by SoftPedia
Version: 2.3, updated on: 1-11-2010
[ Download | Screenshot ]
Free Icon Editors
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
Il parle de Vista et de 7 !
Opérationel sur/pour XP ?
Bien à toi
Il parle de Vista et de 7 !
Opérationel sur/pour XP ?
Bien à toi
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
Bjr Vapavite123 =)Vapavite123 wrote:Il parle de Vista et de 7 !
Opérationel sur/pour XP ?
Je n'ai pas rencontré de problèmes avec GIEP sous Windows 2000 SP4 et XP SP3.
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
- Stardock: IconDeveloper
IconDeveloper is a program that makes it very easy to create your own Windows icons. Intead of trying to include a drawing package, IconDeveloper instead allows users to just import images made by other programs and turn them quickly and easily into icons.
IconDeveloper also makes it easy to change the colors of icons, do batch conversions, and add new sizes to existing icons using a variety of scaling techniques to ensure the highest possible quality.
IconDeveloper can also incorporate itself into the Windows shell allowing users to simply right click on a graphics image and turn it into a Windows icon (.ICO file). It can edit both .ICO files and .ICL files and supports any size icon you choose to create. - Xceedz: aaICO
The editor supports multiple resolutions, importing, exporting, various effects and much more. - Caretta: Icon Express (Part of GUI Design Studio)
Icon Express is our simple, no nonsense and free icon editor with all the features you need to quickly create simple icons.
- XnThusiast
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Re: Ahhh !
Hi Clo,
This is the latest website now for the same Greenfish Icon Editor (GFIE):
This is the latest website now for the same Greenfish Icon Editor (GFIE):

Clo wrote:All
Hello !
• The 1.5 version of GFIE Pro is available, SAME URL.
• Main additions :
- *.ANI support, with animated preview,
- Maximal file-size enhanced for file-types else than *.ICO¦*.CUR¦*.ANI
(1024×1024 pixels guaranteed, more at your own risks).
• Many graphic (and else) bugs fixed…
• Now, it can be used for retouchs with reasonable-sized images, not only as an icon editor.
… and we have a wish-list @ the Author's for the next version !
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro v3.0 (10/Feb/2012)
- Improved: GFIE will be cross-platform in the near future (will run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X)
- Rearranged user interface: tabs instead of MDI windows
- Greatly improved: image processing speed
- Added feature: loading/saving Apple ICNS files
- Added feature: loading/saving JPEG 2000 files
- Added feature: loading/saving 16-bit executables and icon libraries
- Added feature: pressing Escape deselects all
- Added feature: rotating selection by an arbitrary angle
- Added feature: textboxes which expect numbers can now accept and calculate expressions, like 12*(128+10)
- Added feature: Wand/Bucket can be switched to non-contiguous mode
- Added feature: patterns for drawing
- Added feature: new blend modes: Hue, Hue Shift and Saturation
- Added feature: new menu items “Import pages” and “Export all pages”
- Fixed bug: XPM export sometimes wrote unescaped backslash (\) characters into output
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro v3.1 (13/Jul/2012)
- Fixed bug: batch conversion dialog misinterpreted file type
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Posts: 32
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- Location: between Faye and Edward, approximately by now
(whoa! i hope i've nested enough BblahCode here.XnTriq wrote:Lesmo16's tip (@icon sushi - image to icon converter) has already been brought up here.
With respect to Clo's recommendation (SnIco Edit) I'd like to mention that “ is down, and (temporarily) replaced by”.
- Attila Kovrig: IcoFX
Update: ckv sez that “2.0.1 is no longer freeware.”
IcoFX is an award winning freeware icon editor. It is an all-in-one solution for icon creation, extraction and editing. It is designed to work with Windows XP and Windows Vista icons supporting transparency.
With a wealth of tools and more than 40 effects at your fingertips, there’s virtually no limit to the icons you can create. You can convert your favorite images into icons, or icons into images. With IcoFX you can extract icons from other files, including Windows Vista files. You can easily work with multiple files using the batch processing capability of IcoFX.

Just throwing my hat in the ring. I agree… that is, I believe I'm in agreement… with whomever cites IcoFX. Just use v.1.x and you're good to go. AFAIK, the /portable apps dot com format/ is at least still distrubuted as such. Or, a repository such as the noble,, is kind enough; toes the line, to actually offer-- in my experience-- (e.g. i've not witnessed otherwise) what ever software titles they provide, also as “back-issues” [which is pretty dam* cool, no?!]…
Now, where was I?
Oh, yes. I shall be hopefull, not to offend for my presumptuousness, as I assume many users here are Windows® users. I mean-- after all-- what GNU / Linux-ware cares much about icons, excepting-- of course-- the rather as much as it puts forth a veritable battle against the user, for intuitive ergonomics in UI design, it adheres to its age-old complaint in being roughly as well balanced, conversely, in being well equipped for digital imaging. If memory serves, .ico-format included amongst the quality processing capabilities of GNU Image Manipulation Program. Eh... what do i know. “Yeah, You see how i scum.”{*1}
IconSushi / aicon.exe as well. For the popularity of its common name, may the Reader find yourself pleasantly surprised, should aicon.exe be found on his or her system (e.g. If you happen to have the GNU Utilities available, take the 2.min’s-tops to descend into your BIN dir [i.e. /home/user/.wine/drive_c/program files/ … OR … C:\Program Files (x86)\ … whatever…], and execute the following:
Code: Select all
your_cmd_prompt> find -iname "aicon.exe"
hit {ENTER} to execute the /find/ operation.
Code: Select all
/your_prompt/> find "C:\Program Files\" -iname "*aicon.exe*"
OR, How about this one!…
your_prompt> find "Z:\Software_I_Download_and_Never_Remember_to_Install\" -iname "*aicon.exe*"
alas, I must entertain myself by some means. i regret, should I do so at your expense…

Now… on to more /stuff/ about icons. See you soon {he is hopeful}, as you view the next page ; turn the page of your i-Pindleook-maw-no-hands Tri-corder Unit. I, being about to author something more RE .ico format. i should search, but… my query is specific enough, perhaps to be ample cover-up: the laziness. Oh, yes… and I want to show you something cool I made for SVG fans, as well (realizing, with the advent of XnView MP, the Readers having reveled in the glory of its capabilities, likely devoting more time in SVG design … (for trivia’s sake, that is /XnView Mobile Profile/ {yes?})
A final note, RE: .ico format.
Amongst the freshmen submissions; those lesser-known; products of some dormitory diversion from wanton carnal pleasures, there is a software: XnView.
Not only is XnView capable of saving the .ico format, free of digital artifacts which seem to plague the format, XnView is also capable of "paging" through them. That is, XnView-- unlike some of its contemporaries which offer the user ZERO options, should he or she most-likely wish to exploit the most notable quality of the .ico format-- the several “pages”, or layers within, as are required to facilitate the one-size-fits-all nature of .ico-- XnView, as always, is there to support the User, through the “next / previous page” buttons (default on the view menu, methinks).
:sigh: how i do ramble. I promise, my new thread (2012-07-23) will be concise.
reference to The Simpsons, Homey the Clown: Homer-- with family in tow-- exploiting his likeness to Krusty, is given preferential seating at the Italian restaurant.
Have a go at these texts featuring graphics and imaging, please.
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- Location: between Faye and Edward, approximately by now
Re: Free Icon Editor?
Ha! reminds me of something from an old Jane's Addiction film, to wit:
well, whad’da ya got?
(and, something on topic… regarding icon editors… or, icons of contemporary popular culture-- the likes of which, curiously-- are read-only, {indeed} )
In my mind, it is curious,
fanaticism has not waned
in so many years,
i, requisite-remark:
There's a tune on the new Icon’s album, title “Curiosity Kills”
having 16-million+ colours, and mastery of lyrical euphemism
draws the line (though, i could be wrong, having noticed it only once; experienced the bigger picture, altogether, less than two-hands, fool.), i dare to cite that which I've extrapolated; where I agree with as much; as for the truth:
“Curiosity Kills!
It’s what we ’re ALL on.”
I enjoy it. It makes so much sense, yet no one's put it in quite those words; so succinct, it seems.
Definitely iconic.
“No, hold on, Quincy Jones! How hard should i hit that note, Kreem-Corn? … (whack!) Don't you ever tell Michael Jackson how hard I hit a note, you understand!… hee, hee, hee…” -- Black Dynamite, “Jackson Five Across Yo' Eyes”
so, {in my mind} it is only apropos; can't help for curiosity's sake, I reply, to You, @ckv:Jane’s Addiction,Gift (the film) circa 1990 wrote:“Whad’da ya Need?”
… “What do you got?”
“What do you want?”
well, whad’da ya got?
(and, something on topic… regarding icon editors… or, icons of contemporary popular culture-- the likes of which, curiously-- are read-only, {indeed} )
In my mind, it is curious,
fanaticism has not waned
in so many years,
i, requisite-remark:
There's a tune on the new Icon’s album, title “Curiosity Kills”
having 16-million+ colours, and mastery of lyrical euphemism
draws the line (though, i could be wrong, having noticed it only once; experienced the bigger picture, altogether, less than two-hands, fool.), i dare to cite that which I've extrapolated; where I agree with as much; as for the truth:
“Curiosity Kills!
It’s what we ’re ALL on.”
I enjoy it. It makes so much sense, yet no one's put it in quite those words; so succinct, it seems.
Definitely iconic.
“No, hold on, Quincy Jones! How hard should i hit that note, Kreem-Corn? … (whack!) Don't you ever tell Michael Jackson how hard I hit a note, you understand!… hee, hee, hee…” -- Black Dynamite, “Jackson Five Across Yo' Eyes”
Have a go at these texts featuring graphics and imaging, please.
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
- v3.2 (24/Oct/2012)
- Fixed bug: some GIF files could not be opened
- Fixed bug: removed loop count limitation (now maximum number of loops is 65535 instead of 100)
- v3.25 (24/Oct/2012)
- Updated links to the Greenfish Homepage
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Re: Free Icon Editor?
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro 3.31 wrote:Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (GFIE Pro) is a powerful open source icon, cursor, animation, icon library and image editor.
Certified 100% clean of malware by SoftPedia
- Layer support with advanced selection handling makes it a really professional and unique freeware tool for designing pixelgraphic images.
- GFIE offers high-quality filters like Bevel, Drop Shadow and Glow;
- supports editing animated cursors and managing icon libraries.
- Has a portable version - less than 10 MB unzipped, just unpack it to your USB drive and use it anywhere.
- A clean, customizable, multilanguage user interface makes it really easy to learn and use.
- It is open source (released under the GNU General Public License version 3). Source code can be found inside the installation package, in the archive src.7z.
GFIE is released for both Win32 and Win64. The installer installs the appropriate (32-bit or 64-bit) version. The portable edition contains both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. In addition, you should be able to compile and run it from the source code on other operation systems as well, using the Lazarus IDE.
- v3.3
- Finally open source! You can compile your own version for 32-bit, 64-bit, Linux, Mac, etc.
- Official executables run only on Win64 from now on.
- Added feature: Save a Copy
- Updated translations
- v3.31
- Reintroduced Win32 support.
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- Location: Hamburg
Re: Free Icon Editors
(Quoted link without the Google translate step): Actually XnView 2.35 also supports ICO in its multi-image creation, but only the normal format with certain kinds of BMPs. It won't put PNG files "as is" in an ICO.XnTriq wrote:Ce n'est pas possible avec XnView. Allez donc jeter un œil à ces éditeurs d'icônes gratuits.
I tested your recommendation here, but it was too complex for my purposes. And XnView was too simple, but enough to grok the ICO format: It consists of six bytes header incl. two bytes for the number of images. Each image gets a record (16 bytes) at the begin of the ICO, width, height (max. 256 encoded as 0 in one byte), colours, offset in the ICO, length. At the given offset is the image (almost complete BMP or complete PNG) in the given length.
Therefore I created five ICO files with ffmpeg (BMP 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, PNG 64x64, 128x128), split those five ICOs into header (6 bytes), 16 bytes entry, and body (rest at offset 6+16), and combined the components into one ICO with header, five entries, five bodies as is -- only the offsets had to be updated. Windows 7, W2K, XnView, FFMpeg, and Greenfish agreed that this is good enough.

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Re: Free Icon Editors
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
- v3.4 (27/Mar/2016)
- New: Create Android drawable, test 9-patch button
- New: Import SVG
- New: Load/Save TIFF (no layers yet)
- New: Set DPI of document and pages
- New: Test image as 3D texture
- New: Pascal-based scripting
- Faster, more responsive drawing
- Faster GIF load/save
- Fixed numerous bugs
- v3.5 (13/Apr/2016)
- Greatly improved the icon library editor
- Fixed: GFIE did not start on XP because of GetTickCount64
- Fixed some memory leaks
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Re: Free Icon Editors
Seanau wrote:Seanau Icon Toolkit is a free, professional, unique and easy to use icon editing, combination and style tool that allows you to create unique and popular icons easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Powerful Layers tool that allows combined icon becomes more flexible, let your inspiration to become a reality easier. 13 revolutionary stylized filters to create a popular style icon just one click, like iOS style, Vista style, Mac style, origami style, crystal style and more. Seanau Icon Toolkit's native image format SITF to save your operation and graphic elements, allowed to continue editing icons in the future.