Windows10 64bit (22H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Resize Image / Canvas
There are some difference in resize functionality between regular Resize and Batch convert dialogs.
Also, there is no way to change aspect ratio with these tools, only via AspectPad in Batch mode.
Unify all Image/Canvas resize tools and introduce some improved functionality.
Modes and settings can be summarized into: imho, it is better to rename:
- Normal to Size
Normal is non-descriptive, Size provides at least some context, not ideal though.
- Side to Edge
Side visually looks similar to Size. Long/Short sounds better than superlative form (Longest/Shortest) describing rectangular.
Few mockups of regular dialogs, Batch convert tools can be just the copies of them without Info group.
- General
- dialog naming unified into 'Resize Image' and 'Resize Canvas'
- merged functionality of regular and Batch convert dialogs:
-- 'Relative' size
-- 'Follow orientation' option (tbh, not 100% sure how this option works)
-- 'Keep ratio' replaced with 'Aspect ratio' dropbox with additional settings (old behaviour equals 'Free'/'Image ratio' [or 'Original'] items in dropbox). Ratios and edit dialog can be the same as in Crop panel (SHIFT+X)
- added 'Info' group
- unified Unit of measurement to 2-letter abbreviation, e.g. pixels > px
- merged 'Print size' group with regular Width & Height by adding 'Resolution' (see how most of software do not have separate 'Print size', especially in Resize Canvas)
- Resize Image
- 'Resample' checkbox moved down, unticking it shall work as old 'Print size' mode
- removed Fit/Fill modes (and Enlarge/Reduce dropbox), not sure what use case they cover to be honest
- Resize Canvas
- add 'Repeat edge pixels' and 'Wrap image around' functionality from Offset tool
- merged 'Blurred frame' (from Batch convert) into 'Resize Canvas' dialog into 'Canvas extension' (see IrfanView's 'Fill area with blurred image'). Also split this tool into 'Repeat image sides' and 'Blur', as blur can be applied to other options as well.
- improved 'Anchor' (aka Position) with indicator arrows:
-- no arrows visible if image width & height remain the same
-- if image shrinks/extends remaining original ratio - arrows point inward/outward
-- if image shrinks/extends with new ratio - vertical/horizontal arrows can point accordingly. However, not sure where diagonal arrows shall point, maybe just hide them.