Windows11 (22H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Clean metadata
1) Why are these 'Clean metadata' dialogs different?
2) Why does EXIF still remain after being selected for removal in Viewer/Batch convert?
3) What exactly is this underscore mark ( _ ) metadata, remained after cleaning via Viewer/Batch convert?
- unify 'Clean metadata' dialog in Browser, Viewer and Batch Convert.
Options must be the same in all modes for the same file.
- remove 'Optimize Huffman table' as it is format specific (jpeg only?) and not related to metadata in other formats.
It shall be somewhere in format Write settings
- controls' vertical alignment shall be Top, not 'Stretched down' as it results in gapes between them when dialog is resized.
Potential bug:
'Clean metadata' in Viewer mode:
- available for the file without metadata (in Browser mode it is disabled if file has no metadata)
- resets DPI of image file without metadata, test file available here. File's DPI was 72x18 and became 72x72 after 'Clean metadata'.
- suggestions
Metadata - merge all Edit dialogs into single one
Metadata - unify 'Clean metadata' dialog (current post)
- done -
Metadata - unify menu group in Browser/Viewer toolbar and context menu (done in 1.5.0)