Free GIF Animators

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Free GIF Animators

Post by XnTriq »

  • Adobe ImageReady
  • Cyotek Gif Animator
    “Cyotek Gif Animator is an easy to use creator for GIF animations. Using Cyotek Gif Animator you can quickly make an animation from a series of still images, modify existing animations, extract frames, work with color palettes, perform batch operations to create and maintain animations and more.”
  • Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
    “Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (GFIE Pro) is a powerful open source image editor, especially suitable for creating icons, cursors, animations and icon libraries.”
  • IcoFX
    Last free version: 1.6.4
    “IcoFX is an award winning freeware icon editor. It is an all-in-one solution for icon creation, extraction and editing. It is designed to work with Windows XP and Windows Vista icons supporting transparency.
    With a wealth of tools and more than 40 effects at your fingertips, there’s virtually no limit to the icons you can create. You can convert your favorite images into icons, or icons into images. With IcoFX you can extract icons from other files, including Windows Vista files. You can easily work with multiple files using the batch processing capability of IcoFX.”
  • Microsoft GIF Animator
    “With this tool you can use any .GIF file, or any image you can copy to the Clipboard as part of an animation. You can create or modify an animation then save it for use in your web browser or other applications. You can add as many images to an animation as your computer memory allows. ”
    “Although Microsoft GIF Animator has been designed as a useful utility to enhance Microsoft Image Composer and Microsoft Front Page, Microsoft GIF Animator is a seperate applications and is not supported by these or other Microsoft products.”
  • Ulead GIF Animator Lite
    Do not download “Ulead GIF Animator Lite - CHIP-Installer.exe”! The link “Manuelle Installation” will take you to “GaLE10.exe”.
    “Ulead GIF Animator Lite Edition is a FREE version ofthe award-winning Ulead GIF Animator. The Lite Edition is available for unlimited use, and is brought to you exclusively from the Ulead web site. […] The commercial version is much more powerful than the Lite Edition. All of the commands that are enclosed in brackets <> are available in the full version.”
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Re: Free GIF Animators

Post by XnTriq »

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Re: Free GIF Animators

Post by Drahken »

Gimp and it's numerous forks should be included in this list, as they allow you to create and edit animated images (including gifs and apngs). Some require a plugin for it, but many have it built in (in fact, I think all of them have it built in in more recent versions).
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Re: Free GIF Animators

Post by XnTriq »

Drahken wrote:Gimp and it's numerous forks should be included in this list, as they allow you to create and edit animated images (including gifs and apngs). Some require a plugin for it, but many have it built in (in fact, I think all of them have it built in in more recent versions).
Thanks, Drahken. That's an important addition.
Speaking of Open Source:
  • Gif Animation GUI Application
    Requires Java
    “GifApp is an application that have ability to compose GIF animation from sequence of images with applying different effects.
    Now you also can extract frames from video! Get slice of video and create gif animation.”
  • VirtualDub
    “Do you need quick capture and encoding capabilities for video on your desktop? VirtualDub is a free, Open Source solution specifically designed for that purpose. VirtualDub might lack the editing power of a general-purpose editor such as Adobe Premiere, but is streamlined for fast linear operations over video in return. It has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters.”
  • VirtualDub APNG Mod
    “VirtualDub APNG Mod is created to provide Animated PNG support for the popular video editing software VirtualDub. Export module is designed to compress the output files as much as possible. Internal input driver can load APNG files, for more editing.”
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Re: Free GIF Animators

Post by XnTriq »

GraphicsGale v2.06.00 (18/Jun/2017) is now available as freeware.
HumanBalance ([url=]GraphicsGale[/url]) wrote:
  • Supports many formats, including .ico, .gif, .avi, .cur, .ani.
  • Preview your animations in real time while editing sprites - No need to stop working to watch your animation!
  • Use multiple layers to make drawing and editing your art easier!
  • Onion skinning allows you to see both previous and next frames while your draw!
  • Output your animation frames onto a single sprite sheet, output each frame to its own image file, or export the entire animation as a single .gif file. GraphicsGale's export options are flexible enough to be compatible with any workflow.
  • Create work from scratch, or use GraphicsGale's TWAIN imaging support to import images from your scanner, camera, or other TWAIN-supported devices.
  • GraphicsGale also has many pixel-art specific features to help you create your work quickly and easily, including palette control, selectively erasing colors, and tools for quickly replacing and trying new colors. Free download, and get creating!
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Re: Free GIF Animators

Post by zamar38 »

HTA script allows to simultaneously play multiple animated GIFs in a PC folder.

Are there any standalone packages able to do the same? Can XnView packages do it, like a thumbnail view feature showing multiple animated GIFs playing, stored in a selected folder? Would be very handy, when searching for the right animated GIF in a large collection, for example of motion detection clips or animated GIF thumbnails of MP4 videos saved by surveillance software. If not - why?

Is there any add-on to Windows 10 Explorer to enable multiple animated GIFs preview in an open folder, without manually adding an HTA script to every folder and running it from that folder?
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Re: Free GIF Animators

Post by RomanM »

If one needs a GIF made of a few frames, he can use one of many free online GIF makers. I used, it worked fine.