It would also be really nice if XnView could also open the display pictures and background tiles that are used by MSN Messenger and stored on those .dat files!
And keep up the good work!
XICO2KX wrote:Hi!
It would also be really nice if XnView could also open the display pictures and background tiles that are used by MSN Messenger and stored on those .dat files!
And keep up the good work!
I know, but not 100% sure, msn display pictures are in .png format and emoticons also in .gif; simply they are named .dat and saved in internet explorer cache
using msn messenger, you can use msncpecrawler.exe (an external free tool) to find and see these images
so, in my opinion, it's more useful a "find msn picture and emoticons" feature
flock wrote:I know, but not 100% sure, msn display pictures are in .png format and emoticons also in .gif; simply they are named .dat and saved in internet explorer cache
using msn messenger, you can use msncpecrawler.exe (an external free tool) to find and see these images
so, in my opinion, it's more useful a "find msn picture and emoticons" feature
Hi Flock!
The tool from that link returned an error everytime I tried to run it!
But I downloaded it from somewhere else and it ran ok... but that tool only scans for my contacts' display pictures and emoticons... but it doesn't detect any of my custom backgrounds neither any of my display pictures!
I think those are stored in my "MSN Messenger" folder in weird .dat files (not sure what image format) and not on "Internet Explorer" Cache folder...
But thanks for the tip!
this link should be correct: in this page http://www.msgweb.nl/en/tools.php, select download "MSN Custom picture and emoticon crawler"
the previous tool is a standalone program; there is another multi-features tool to steal msn pictures and emoticons (but is an hidden feature!!!), so read the manual; is StuffPlugNG, a plugin for Messenger Plus!, the most famous extension for MSN Messnger