Convert JPEG to PS

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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Convert JPEG to PS

Post by Beechen »


everytime i convert a jpeg to a ps via nconvert i get some strange errors:

the jpeg is ~24kb, but the resulting ps is 1,33Mb(!) -- ok i could live with this BUT the resulting ps has ~1/2 picture size and ~1/2 dpi - strange isn't it?

i use the following command

nconvert -in jpeg -out ps *.jpeg

can u give me the correct parameters, to convert jpgs in 1:1 (picture- not file-)size, like jpeg2ps does? since i want to make a shell-extension, it is not possible to open each jpeg and set parameters, like heigth, width and dpi manually.



PS sorry for my bad english 8)

Post by Guest »


sorry for pushing this post - but i need this feature urgently, because i have to convert jpeg to ps nearly everyday and i need a working solution.

jpeg2ps is working fine, but its nearly impossible to make an explorer-shell-extension (rightklick on jpeg -> convert to ps) because of the two parameters.

please, if some of the developers could check this issue.

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Post by helmut »

Sorry for not replying, but other users and I don't know the answer to your problem and Pierre has been very busy during the last days. Please wait a bit longer (1-3 days)...

Post by Guest »

thank you, i was afraid that nobody is interested in my problem. i hope this problem get fixed, because nconvert is already very usefull and with this problem fixed it would be top. 8)

Post by Beechen »


I'm happy to see, that you've tried to fix this bug and I see that at least the bug with the incorrect x-y-size was fixed. But the incorrect-file-size bug still remains.

I convert a 1024x768, 16M .jpg (161.92KB) to ps and get: a file that is 4.57MB(!) -- i ask me, what is IN this file that makes is so big?

another example:
convert a 640x480, 16M (48.52kb) .jpg to ps and get: 677x507, 16M (1.79MB) file

again: the x-y-size is nearly but noch fully correct and the filesize is still inaceptable.

maybe it would help to look into the sources of jpeg2ps which is AFAIK under GPL. this tool produces ps (and eps) in which the jpeg is simply wrapped in the ps - so that the jpeg it self isnt touched (x-y-size, resulution, etc remains the same). and the filesize is nearly the same. ok a few bytes bigger because its the wrapped jpeg.

i you need some more informations or testcases you can even send me a mail to "mail at [insert my name] dot net". If you speak german, feel free to mail me in this language :D


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Post by xnview »

Beechen wrote:..... This tool produces ps (and eps) in which the jpeg is simply wrapped in the ps - so that the jpeg it self isnt touched (x-y-size, resulution, etc remains the same). and the filesize is nearly the same. ok a few bytes bigger because its the wrapped jpeg.
Ok, i'll check. Currently, image is not compressed in ps file!