I wonder if any moderator would be so kind to merge and/or delete all other threads regarding Ximagic adobe compatible plugins and post all relevant news here.
I will start.
Ximagic Photoshop Plugins toolbox are a set of very nice Photoshop compatible plugins that are aimed to do a great job in Denoising images as well as quantify colours and or create halftones. They are free and are done by Blas Rodríguez.
Current version: 4.2.0
Ximagic Denoiser is a Photoshop plugin for image noise reduction.
It provides seven different methods for noise reduction
Median (Std/Center Weighted)
Gauss (Std/Bilateral)
DWT (Overcomplete Wavelets)
CWT (Complex wavelets)
DCT (Discrete cosine)
NLM (Non Local Means)
Non-linear (anisotropic) diffusion (Curvature & Gradient)
Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
v 4.2.0 28-Feb-2012
Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in PS
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Wrong output in "show processing time"
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.
Current version: 3.2.0
Ximagic Quantizer is a Photoshop plugin for image color quantization (color reduction) & dithering.
10 color quantization methods.
Xiaolin Wu v2
Dennis lee v3
Binary Split
Lloyd (K-Means)
2 error diffusion dither methods.
8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
v 3.2.0 28-Feb-2012
Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in Photoshop
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.
Current version: 3.2.0
Ximagic GrayDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level gray using dithering. As a particular case could produce B/W bitmap images (2-level grayscale)
Automatic conversion RGB color to grayscale using Y in YCbCr color space
4 threshold dithering methods.
17 Ordered patterns (clustered-dot, dispersed-dot, etc)
5 Ordered calculated patterns.
User defined
2 error dithering methods.
8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
Direct binary search (DBS) dithering.
Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
v 3.2.0 28-Feb-2012
Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in Photoshop
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.
Current version: 3.2.0
Ximagic ColorDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level per-channel gray using dithering.
4 threshold dithering methods.
17 Ordered patterns (clustered-dot, dispersed-dot, etc)
5 Ordered calculated patterns.
User defined
2 error dithering methods.
8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
Support of 8/16 bits images.
Support of Photoshop actions/batch
Support use as Smart filter
Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts
Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
v 3.2.0 28-Feb-2012
Win/Mac- Patch- Solved issue with floating selections in Photoshop
Win/Mac- Multithreading library updated.
Mac- Huge performance enhancements in some algorithms.
For instance NLM denoise elapsed time down to 50% of previous (32 bit 60% 64 bit 45%)
Mac- Patch- Solved problems in Mac 10.7 (Lion)
Mac- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Mac- Compiler changed.
Mac- Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Win- Patch- Crash guards don't work as expected
Win- Added internal CUDA test.