Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

Can you add native support for EXR images to GFLSDK, rather than having to use a plugin ?

Alternatively, can you provide a 64-bit version of IlmImf.dll, which works with the 64-bit unicode version of GFLSDK ?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by xnview »

OpenEXR can only be as a plugin, and you can try the dll from XnConvert 64bits
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

Can't get it to work. IS the one included in XnConvert x64 a unicode version ?

If not, can you provide an x64 unicode build of it (and for completeness, an x86 unicode build) ?
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by xnview »

OpenEXR dll is utf8 i think, i'll check...
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

I think you're correct about it being UTF-8.

Is it possible to change the unicode/Wide versions of GFLSDK so that it works correctly with the UTF OpenEXR DLL (and any other plugin DLL's, if possible) - converting between unicode and UTF-8 where necessary. Otherwise it means you have to use the ANSI version of GFL if you want to support OpenEXR or any of the other plugins.

In case you need a routine to convert between Unicode and UTF-8, check out ... utf-8.aspx

Let me know if you want me to test anything.
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

I've just compiled the Win32 C example (provide with GFL SDK), with both VS2005 and VS2010, and copied over all the XnView plugins to the plugins folder, and some of the plugins don't seem to work. For example, 3DSMax and Djvu do work and are listed in the Available formats dialog, but OpenEXR/EXR is not. There may be other plugins that don't work, but I only checked those three.

XnView has no problems picking up the OpenEXR plugin and displaying images in this format.

Can you confirm whether EXR is working for you with the GFL SDK win32 C example ?
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

Just noticed a bug in XnView, OpenEXR is listed twice on the Supported Formats dialog. Also, OpenEXR is not listed on the Plugins dialog, even when installed.

Any chance of a fix for GFL SDK to get it working with EXR images ?
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

I had a look at the current GFL DLL's, and previous versions, and it looks like OpenEXR support disappeared after GFL 2.70. I couldn't check 2.80, 2.82, 2.90 or 3.05, but 2.70 has support for IlmImf.dll, but 3.10 and 3.40 don't have support for it.

Would it be possible to add OpenEXR support back in to GFL SDK (and any other native/plugin formats that may have disappeared) ?
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by xnview »

ok, i'll check
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by Defenestration »

Would it be possible to convert the Unicode to UTF-8 when using the IlmImf.dll in the Unicode/Wide versions of GFL ?

Also, do you have any timescale of when a new version of GFL will be available with OpenEXR support added back in (in case you post a test build here, can you post the 64-bit Wide/Unicode version) ?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by ftesla »


I just installed GFL SDK for my own QT image browser app and it was a breeze to read several formats, but I am stuck with exr, the website says it supports it (, but the gflLoadBitmap always end up with GFL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT.


J"ai installe l'excellente librairie GFL SDK pour faire une petite application avec QT qui affiche des images mais bien que le site indique que le format exr est supporte ( la fonction gflLoadBitmap renvoie systematiquement GFL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT.

En vous remerciant pour votre attention,
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Re: Unable to open EXR files with GFL

Post by XnTriq »

Welcome to the forum, ftesla (-:
xnview ([url=]gflLoadBitmapFrom[Memory/Handle] with Plugins[/url]) wrote:
pber wrote:Hello again,
I tryed to load pictures with the gflLoadBitmapFromMemory / gflLoadBitmapFromHandle functions.
I first tested .bmp files, and that was OK.
But when it came to .exr or .wlm files, the gflLoadBitmapFromMemory / gflLoadBitmapFromHandle returned GFL_ERROR_UNKOWN_FORMAT, as if they did not support the plugins.

Those files are compatible with the plugins, since I tryed to load them with gflLoadBitmap(...), and encountered no error in that process.

Are plugins loaded in the gflLoadBitmapFromMemory and gflLoadBitmapFromHandle ? (that would explain my difficulties to read those pictures :p)
Not all plugins are supported in GFL, such as WLM
To be able to load exr, you must have IlmImf.dll in Plugins folder
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Re: Native EXR format support or 64-bit plugin ?

Post by ftesla »

Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately I was unable to make it work:
- I placed ImfIlm.dll in Plugins folder with gflSetPluginsPathname(" call before gflLibraryInit
- I installed the msvcrt dlls
But gflLoadBitmap ends up with GFL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT with exr files others formats works perfect.

My target is Windows 10 - Qt 5.7 - MinGW 32bits
