Bad var.types in function declaration in libgfl.pas (Delphi)

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Bad var.types in function declaration in libgfl.pas (Delphi)

Post by Reggi »

In Delphi file LibGFL.pas are two bugs:

Is (in line 513):
function gflResizeCanvas(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP;
width, height: GFL_INT32; mode: GFL_CANVASRESIZE;
var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;

should be:
function gflResizeCanvas(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP;
width, height: GFL_INT32; mode: GFL_CANVASRESIZE;
var color: Int64): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;

Is (in line 541)
function gflBalance(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var color: PGFL_COLOR): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;

should be:
function gflBalance(src: PGFL_BITMAP; dst: PPGFL_BITMAP; var color: Int64): GFL_ERROR; stdcall;

In both functions correct color type is Int64. Maybe (very possible) in other functions is some, I don't check.

Best regards, Reggi