XnView Pocket not running

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XnView Pocket not running

Post by Nor »

Dear Community,

I try to run XnView Pocket on my PNA, it's a Medion PNA E4440 with Samsung CPU, and Windows CE 5.

The installation via active sinc runs correctly, and I can find the installation folder in the destinated place.

But if I try to run XnView.exe, I'll get the followin error message:

"Cannot find 'xnpocket' (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required liberies are available."

I't tried 3 different versions from your download archive, but the message keeps the same.

Hoping for help.

best regards Norbert
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Re: XnView Pocket not running

Post by XnTriq »

xnview ([url=http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=76844#p76844]XnView Pocket v1.51[/url]) wrote:
luisito wrote:j'ai essayé en rajoutant le fichier ws2.dll, mais sans succès, malheureusement ... :(
Etrange, deja je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous devez rajouter les aygshell.dll, commctrl.dll, commdlg.dll, coredll.dll. Normalement tout est dans le repertoire windows de WinCE
kombitz.com ([url=http://www.kombitz.com/2008/04/18/xnview-pocket-for-mio-c230/]XnView Pocket for PNA[/url]) wrote:I have got some requests for a photo slide show program. This is it. You need a copy of AYGSHELL.DLL which I didn’t include in the package. A reader has warned about distributing AYGSHELL.DLL is illegal. Even though I don’t know if the claim is true, I decided not to distribute it for now. You can get it from a lot of places. [Update:] Tim Rude has pointed out the AYGSHELL.DLL I have distributed in the past is actually not a MS product and it’s legal to distribute it. I have included the DLL in the package now. Thanks, Tim!

Use FileMan CE to invoke XnPocket.exe in the directory or create a shortcut on the desktop. Please refer to this post, if you don’t know how to put it on the desktop.
pnanavi (Forum pocketnavigation.de & geo24.de: [url=http://forum.pocketnavigation.de/forum1000168-medion-gopal-pna-v2/1053547-auf-dem-navi-lauffaehige-programme/#post1443336][2.xx PE] auf dem navi lauffähige programme[/url]) wrote:Bei der suche nach den Dlls habe ich noch eine bessere gefunden. Ladet die Packdllxania.zip dort sind zwei Dlls enthalten,
nehmt die aygshell.dll.v2 und bennet sie um in aygshell.dll und kopiert sie in den Windows Ordner des PNA, Auch alle anderen Dlls die in dieser Zip Datei enthalten sind kann man in den Windows Order kopieren.
theomimie (GpsPasSion Forums: [url=http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=20212&whichpage=76#385387]* Applications Compatibles SEMs *[/url]) wrote:Un grand merci Xania. Grace à ton aide j'ai réussi à personnaliser mon GPS.
Par contre, ma question initiale reste la même, car j'ai installé "Xnview Pocket v1.35" via ActiveSync. Les 2 fichiers "slide.exe" et "xnpocket.exe" se sont automatiquement mis sous "ProgramFiles". Quand je clique dessus depuis le PNA, j'ai le message : "Canot find Xnpocket (or one of its components).Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available".
J'ai installé sous Windows le pack "dll".
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
Merci encore à toi.