How excellent it is that XnView since earlier versions pre-MP can do basic screen capture

Anyways I would like to say some things:
1. "Capture" could be renamed to "Screen Capture" in English, it would look more clearer - just my opinion.

2. In the future, there needs to be more settings for screen capturing, either the additional settings could go in the 'capture' window or they could maybe go in the Options>Interface . Settings such as 'including mouse cursor in screenshots' , 'auto filename setings' and 'custom sound notifications' - are settings that would be needed.
3. There could be button called 'Settings...' somewhere on the 'Capture' window interface, that when pressed would link to and open up the main XnView MP Settings window where placed 'Capture' user configuration settings would be. Like this:

4. Is it possible for to use a different capture sound, like a camera shot sound that is default and embedded into XnView (typically a compressed low-quality audio file less than 200kb).