GFL SDK 3.11

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview

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Author of XnView
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Re: GFL SDK 3.11

Post by xnview »

Ben321 wrote: Then that is one of the bugs. Because it sure is listed in the enum SaveFormat that comes with GflAx.dll as this screenshot of my copy of it implemented in VB6 shows.
Houps Right, must be removed

Code: Select all

    .ChangeColorDepth AX_To16Colors 'Change color depth
And this produces a black image! In fact from my experience, the command ChangeColorDepth almost always produces a black image when displayed in a picture box with GetPicture, and almost always only produces the correct effect when its output is written to a file with the SaveBitmap command. It has to be converted BACK to 24bpp with a second use of ChangeColorDepth after lowering the color depth to the desired value with the first use of ChangeColorDepth, if it is to be correctly viewed directly in a picture box. Yet another bug it seems you'll have to fix.
Ok, i'll test. Perhaps it's a problem with the colormap...