Ok - but I can reproduce it:
start with selecting a large image in thumbs view - doubleclick -> fullscreen display (OK so far)
doubleclick on image - single image is shown (instead of thumbs only view like when using "enter"!)
doubleclick again - thumbs are shown again
doubleclick another image -> opens in fullscreen
doubleclick on image -> single image with window controls is shown, controls are duplicated
Also reproduce this bug on 1.96.2
Will be fix in next release?..
Hm-m, may be another bug, but very similar and easy to reproduce (1.96.2 + Vista SP2 x86):
1. Tools - Options - Keyboard/Mouse - select one of the actions (for example double clikc left mouse button) to "Browser > Fullscreen > Viewer"
2. Do this action on picture from browser.
3. So, what we can see...
RazR83 wrote:Hm-m, may be another bug, but very similar and easy to reproduce (1.96.2 + Vista SP2 x86):
1. Tools - Options - Keyboard/Mouse - select one of the actions (for example double clikc left mouse button) to "Browser > Fullscreen > Viewer"
2. Do this action on picture from browser.
3. So, what we can see...
RazR83 wrote:Hm-m, may be another bug, but very similar and easy to reproduce (1.96.2 + Vista SP2 x86):
1. Tools - Options - Keyboard/Mouse - select one of the actions (for example double clikc left mouse button) to "Browser > Fullscreen > Viewer"
2. Do this action on picture from browser.
3. So, what we can see...
If you use "Browser > Viewer", no problem?
Yep, no problem!
Bug only for action "Browser > Fullscreen > Viewer"
Furthermore, before adding any other features, the custom sorting of thumbnails should be added, even if it would be difficult. It has been requested many times and is a basic feature for every image organiser:
This bug should qualify as a "must fix" because it involves image data loss. Multiple users have confirmed the bug.
1. In Viewer mode, press "ctrl+s" to save a large image (e.g. 10+ megapixel jpeg)
2. Click "yes" to overwrite
3. Quickly press "enter" during the save to go to Browser mode
4. Open the image again, it will be corrupted.
When I set >Startup - "Fullscreen - Edit"< and double-clicking on an image in Windows Explorer, that image is displayed fine in Fullscreen mode - but leaving this image opened, just switching Alt-Tab to Windows Explorer, double-clicking on a different image in Windows Explorer XnView somehow switches its window and then XnView completely closes down. So either I have to quit XnView before opening the next image or have to click on that other image a 2nd time after the XnView "auto-close" ...
When I set >Startup - "Fullscreen - Browser"< and double-clicking on an image in Windows Explorer, that image is displayed fine in Fullscreen mode - but leaving this image opened, just switching Alt-Tab to Windows Explorer, double-clicking on a different image in Windows Explorer XnView hangs. After a while pressing ESC I can close XnView, but it should not hang
OK, when I set >Startup - "Normal"< and double-clicking on an image in Windows Explorer, that image is displayed fine in normal mode. Leaving this image opened, just switching Alt-Tab to Windows Explorer, double-clicking on a different image in Windows Explorer XnView switches to that other image in normal mode - fine - but I would like to use Fullscreen mode
And when I set >Startup - "Fullscreen" - Edit< plus >General / Operations - >>not<< Only one Instance< and double-clicking on an image in Windows Explorer, that image is displayed fine in Fullscreen mode. Leaving this image opened, just switching Alt-Tab to Windows Explorer, double-clicking on a different image in Windows Explorer XnView opens again in Fullscreen mode - fine - but I only want one instance to run - I don't want to close all those XnView instances manually later ...
So in >Startup - "Normal"< it works, in Fullscreen it has two bugs - and as these bugs are now quiet old I would really love to have them fixed - this would be like an "early Christmas gift"