You have a function to load IPTC data without loading the entire file (gflLoadIPTC), it would be great to have the same for EXIF data, something like: gflLoadEXIF.
This function is very useful in conjunction with the gflJpegLosslessTransform function. So first you determine how to rotate and then you rotate your image with loss.
Thank you very much in advance.
Keep up the good work Pierre!
Feature Request: gflLoadEXIF
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- Posts: 47
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- Location: Paris, France
- Author of XnView
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Re: Feature Request: gflLoadEXIF
You'll have it on next release.Ithier wrote:You have a function to load IPTC data without loading the entire file (gflLoadIPTC), it would be great to have the same for EXIF data, something like: gflLoadEXIF.
This function is very useful in conjunction with the gflJpegLosslessTransform function. So first you determine how to rotate and then you rotate your image with loss.
- Posts: 47
- Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:50 am
- Location: Paris, France
Re: Feature Request: gflLoadEXIF
Thank you very much, you are the best !!xnview wrote: You'll have it on next release.

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- Author of XnView
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- Author of XnView
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Yesxnview wrote:Currently there is only EXIFDateTaken, but you would like to retrieve all EXIF tags?lazerfisk wrote:Will this feature be available in gflax as well?

- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45337
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- Location: France
Do you have an example script to show how it works?lazerfisk wrote:Yesxnview wrote:Currently there is only EXIFDateTaken, but you would like to retrieve all EXIF tags?lazerfisk wrote:Will this feature be available in gflax as well?What i would like is something similar to pure ASP EXIF except embedded in GflAx
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 3:00 pm
- Location: Karlstad, Sweden
well, Pure ASP EXIF is downloadable from that website. But, what i would like to see is the feature to retrieve EXIF data in a similar way that is demonstrated on that site. I guess the following should be in there:xnview wrote:Do you have an example script to show how it works?lazerfisk wrote:Yesxnview wrote: Currently there is only EXIFDateTaken, but you would like to retrieve all EXIF tags?What i would like is something similar to pure ASP EXIF except embedded in GflAx
- Ability to get tag by index (for the purpose of enumerating)
- Ability to get tag by hex tag id
- Ability to get tag by name (i.e. get the tag based on what getExifName would return, the same thing but backwards)
- getExifName() to return a friendly name of the tag (e.g. getExifDescription(&H9207) should return "Metering Mode")
- getExifRaw() to return the raw value (e.g. getExifRaw(&H9207) should return "5")
- getExifValue() to return the interpreted value (e.g. getExifValue(&H9207) should return "Multi-segment")
Code: Select all
sMeteringMode = gfl.exif.getByName("Metering Mode").Value
sThirdValueRaw = gfl.exif.getByIndex(3).Raw
iValueCount = gfl.exif.count
Code: Select all
Date Time: <%= getDateTime(IFDDirectory) %><br>
Exif Image Width: <%= GetExifByName(IFDDirectory, "Exif Image Width", false) %><br>
Exif Image Height: <%= GetExifByName(IFDDirectory, "Exif Image Height", false) %><br>
FStop: <%=getFStop(IFDDirectory)%><br>
Shutter: <%=getShutterSpeed(IFDDirectory, true)%>s<br>
Focal Length: <%=getFocalLength(IFDDirectory)%>mm<br>
<table border=1>
<th nowrap>IFD #</td>
<th nowrap>#</td>
<th nowrap>Tag HEX</td>
<th nowrap>Tag Name</td>
<th nowrap>Format</td>
<th nowrap>Size</td>
<th nowrap>Offset</td>
<th nowrap>Value</td>
<th nowrap>Value Described</td>
'show all tags in current images metadata
for x = 0 to ubound(IFDDirectory)
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_IFD_No) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & x & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Components) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "</td></tr>"
