Check if gflLibraryInit was called?

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Check if gflLibraryInit was called?

Post by ramington »


-I have an app whcih loads dynamic a lot of modules each time a image should be processed (that happens often)

-now I'd like to call gflLibraryInit only once for all files that should be procesed, but I can not store any additional information to check by my own

-does it take long to call gflLibraryInit and gflLibraryExit ???

-I tested under windows with an memchecker, if calling Init 2 times and Exit only one time there gets some memory lost, therefor it would be good to check if the init was called

-any ideas?

Thx, Peter
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Re: Check if gflLibraryInit was called?

Post by xnview »

gflLibraryInit can take some time (if you have plugins), and you must call ONE gflLibraryInit and ONE gflLibraryExit