FYI: Since some days there are problems with the forum language.
Sometimes it's French, sometimes English, this morning it's Spanish.
When I log in, then it changes to English (my profile setting).
Last edited by Lesmo16 on Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Everyone who believes in telekinesis, raise my hand!
Thank you for telling, Lesmo. Sören has updated the forum software phpBB to the latest version. Looks as if the software has a bug. We'll try to track and solve this.
I've fallen into total panic and hacked randomly on my keyboard,-)) Seems to have worked, please try again, for me english now is the default language.
sören wrote:I've fallen into total panic and hacked randomly on my keyboard,-)) Seems to have worked, please try again, for me english now is the default language.
Hacking randomly on your keyboard? I guess this is the way the php Forum programmers work, so you're qualified to join the team, now. Thanks, Sören.
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Hmmm... It was good already - English in other bworser - few hours ago, even in this browser, but now it's French again.
So - try to clear cookies. English again, but I'm not sure if it will be correct if I log in and log out, I can't test it now, I'm logged in in other browser.