I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

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I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by doko »

I finally figured out how to produce multiple browser tabs, this method is fully functional and bug-free so I hope the developer will implement it in the actual software. PLEASE devs, do NOT remove this "bug".

To reproduce:
1. Make sure you have one browser tab and at least one image tab open.
2. Close XnView
3. Click on 'Yes' when asked if you want to save the session
4. Open xnview.ini config file
5. Find the line:

Code: Select all

session=browser, "C:/your_image.jpg"
6. Replace it with

Code: Select all

session=browser, browser, browser, "C:/your_image.jpg"
or as much browser tabs as you need.

7. Save the file
8. Start XnView again, enjoy your multiple browser tabs!

To retain the browser tabs across multiple sessions, be sure to leave at least one image tab open before closing XnView.
There's one BIG flaw, though, it cannot save the different addresses in each tab after you restart it. If anyone have a weird trick around this, do share.
But hey, small steps.
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by gnumaru »

For those wondering, the path to the file is "C:\Users\your-user-name\AppData\Roaming\XnViewMP\xnview.ini". Thankfully this still works on the latest (1.4.0, 2022-12-12) version
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by cday »

doko wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:51 pm I finally figured out how to produce multiple browser tabs, this method is fully functional and bug-free so I hope the developer will implement it in the actual software.
When confirmed this post could possibly qualify for some sort of prize!! :D

PLEASE devs, do NOT remove this "bug".
And invites the common question: 'bug or feature?' :wink:
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by xnview »

:D a great bug
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by Foxyrick »

Thank you doko. A great bug indeed!

I came here today searching for a way to do just this. I often need to work with quick views of multiple sets of images / thumbnail folder locations, and usually open two or more instances of MP to do that. I'm always a bit concerned about multiple, concurrent database access though. I don't often need both thumbnail sets on screen together (I don't need them tiling), all I need is quick access from one to the other without having to keep navigating back and forth in the folder tree. I know I can use Favourites, but I have too many folders for that to work.

Having mupltiple browser tabs like this works just fine. It makes my workflow quicker and easier than using multiple program instances.

So... could this bug/feature be formalised and improved? Ideally something like:
  • Open a new tab (perhaps as a duplicate of the previous tab) by right-click or middle-click on tab bar or an existing browser tab, or by right-clicking a folder from the folder tree, favourites or thumbnail vew and selecting "open in new tab".
  • Remember each tab's view when closing, without having to have an image open in a tab or having to click 'save session'. Just do it automatically.
  • Allow a browser tab to be renamed. Perhaps auto-name it from the last folder name in the path.
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by alee001 »

Thanks for your found and It is convenient to open more folder path.

I had tried to add session=browser, browser, browser on xnview.ini, its work on open but it will be restored (the code be deleted)after closed with save.

I hope next version can be added this function.
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by Foxyrick »

Adding an example of when I would find this feature extrememly useful:

I am working on a big 3D model in Blender, with multiple image maps related to it: Albedo textures, AO maps, normal maps, metalic maps etc.. Each of those is created and stored in its own folder: A folder for AOs, another for normal, etc., about 50 working images in each for this model.

Next I process the images to create what will be uploaded with the mesh. That requires repeatedly switching from one folder to another to see all the maps for an object, both inspecting the maps and pulling them into photoshop for more processing and combining into yet more images.

That's where multiple browser tabs would be highly useful and a time saver.

There are other ways I could do things of course, like a folder for each object's maps rather than a folder for all maps of a type, but I find this way easier to work (and I have five folders instead of fifty).
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by hawaii »

very useful indeed

Another addition is the ability to save these tab layouts. It would greatly improve productivity.
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by Hakim Antoine Said »

Always Keep Going :wink:
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by pel9 »

long term xnview (mp) user, but this multiple browse feature was somehow missing. Two separate sessions did not work for me (from my workflow point of view).
Therefore: had to register only to be able to write: BIG THANKS for posting this "hidden feature" ;)
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by dinamikler »

I also generally want to use a tabbed browser. Favorites do not work for me because I have to constantly browse through different folders. Additionally, this feature can even be used instead of Windows File Manager. A very useful BUG. Dear developers, please develop this BUG further. Thank you very much everyone. 8)

I am so happy. :D

I used Google translate.

:) :) :)
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by patitodehule »

The method does not work for me :(

Using Windows version 1.6.3

The xnview.ini file had this instead:


When closing XNview MP instead of asking to save session it just closes without prompt, it wont matter what I select under settings>general>Save session on program exit

I tried to replace it with

session=browser, browser, browser, "C:/my_path_of_an_image.jpg" and nothing
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by pel9 »

patitodehule wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:12 pm The method does not work for me :(

Using Windows version 1.6.3

The xnview.ini file had this instead:


When closing XNview MP instead of asking to save session it just closes without prompt, it wont matter what I select under settings>general>Save session on program exit

I tried to replace it with

session=browser, browser, browser, "C:/my_path_of_an_image.jpg" and nothing
your sessionIdx must be probably greater than 0 (mine is 2)
and there are no quotes for the paths.
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by budz45 »

Wondeful. That's the beauty of INI edits.
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Re: I figured out how to produce multiple Browser Tabs!!!

Post by Tetsuoo »

Hé mais c'est énorme ça... Ca marche vraiment, merci pour l'astuce :shock:
Ah par contre ça ne marche qu'une fois... Après avoir fermé/réouvert XnView, les chemins pour chaque browser ne sont pas sauvegardés donc ils faut les re-changer à la main... Dommage, mais ça peut quand même servir ^^