Cyrillic characters

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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Cyrillic characters

Post by mig »

If I use Russian letters in nconvert via cmd, I get broken text, but everything is fine in XnView. Do I need to specify an additional encoding parameter?


Code: Select all

.\nconvert.exe -canvas #0 #150 bottom-center -bgcolor 255 255 255 -text_font "MS Shell Dlg 2" 82 -text_color 0 0 0 -text_back 255 255 255 -text_flag top-right -text_pos -30 0 -text_rotation 0 -text "Тестовый текст Test" -o C:\Users\dark\Desktop\test2.jpg C:\Users\dark\Desktop\test.jpg
P.S. Also -text_back uses 0 0 0 (black) after export from XnView, but there it is 255 255 255 (white).
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Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:11 pm

Re: Cyrillic characters

Post by anfvan6 »

попробуйте в cmd файле перед обращением к nconvert добавить эти строки:
try to add this strings:
@echo off
chcp 1251 > nul
.\nconvert.exe -canvas #0 #150 bo....