XnView MP 0.95
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
XnView MP 0.95
Please, don't post bugs or request in this topic!
You can download XnView MP 0.95 here:
Windows x32 ZIP version SHA256: 6B7DC928ED299AE7D213F4712AF3F620C594143EF78F9DD990F87363F6E45176
Windows x32 SETUP version SHA256: ECD394A6E7939BDC6B70D923A88A40C9CA4EBBCA64452E0E7E35EC3C41824149
Windows x64 ZIP version SHA256: D79F0DF7DA1CF4011E964C46B34792AEC5BB0F78C18313327E8B76AE3DCBFB3F
Windows x64 SETUP version SHA256: 2E623C063E661745D1036CCD7E180DD9DDEC857FDAA43125042A28B73017EF09
For Windows 7 and older, you have to install the driver from DirectX to run correctly QtAV (audio/video)
Mac x64 DMG version SHA256: 06CD113C6DF64BCAB0FB9F345A2D9E6F849472868DA26ADAB34D241AFB2C5829
Linux TGZ version: http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux.tgz
Linux DEB version: http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux.deb
Linux x64 TGZ version SHA256: 0C0FC8A8454127DD695FF2DDD9DA1F155B17C1298CE86ABBB221F28B36166108
Linux x64 DEB version SHA256: 027B9C01408343955789D0D0C363C7C378EC774F37A21D861D5D2319045FC3D9
ARM version: http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux-arm.tgz http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-lin ... _armhf.deb
Linux x64 AppImages version: http://download.xnview.com/XnView_MP.gl ... 4.AppImage
Linux Flatpak version: https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.xnview.XnViewMP
Changelog 0.95:
1706: [New] Qt 5.12.6
Changelog 0.94.3:
1705: [New] Batch convert - 'Transparent color'
1704: [Bug] Font size in Fusion theme - viewtopic.php?t=39872
1703: [Bug] EXIF user comment - viewtopic.php?t=39873
Changelog 0.94.2:
1700: [New] 'Remove alpha' - viewtopic.php?t=39592
1694: [New] Video date - viewtopic.php?t=39739
1702: [Bug] GS 9.50 un*x - viewtopic.php?t=39753
1701: [Bug] zoom field keep focus - viewtopic.php?&t=39627
1699: [Bug] Thumbnails not loaded at startup - viewtopic.php?t=39754
1698: [Bug] Companion files deleted in edit mode, setting not used - viewtopic.php?t=39587
1697: [Bug] Categories not updated if file (IPTC) modified outside - viewtopic.php?t=39546
1696: [Bug] New files, no metadata - viewtopic.php?t=39690
1695: [Bug] Zoom field steals focus - viewtopic.php?t=39692
1693: [Bug] Compare similar content very slow - viewtopic.php?t=39695
1692: [Bug] Linux: Not all datas from ExifTools - viewtopic.php?t=39701
Changelog 0.94.1:
1691: [Bug] Problem with Ghostscript 9.50
1690: [Bug] Use file date if no exif date setting (useFileDateWhenNoExif in xnview.ini)
1689: [Bug] Browse categories result in fullscreen not possible - viewtopic.php?t=39638
1688: [Bug] Non image files not shown in browser
1687: [Bug] 'Edit IPTC' doesn't write fields - viewtopic.php?t=39620
Changelog 0.94:
1679: [New] Sort by EXIF date modified - viewtopic.php?t=39345
1676: [New] SQLite 3.29.0
1670: [New] Offset tool - viewtopic.php?t=37552
1669: [New] Unsharp Mask
1619: [New] Webp: Presets
1613: [New] Use Windows HEIC WIC decoder/encoder - viewtopic.php?t=39108
1612: [New] JPEG-XR export does not work - viewtopic.php?t=38401
1611: [New] Batch convert: Reorder items - viewtopic.php?t=38798
1606: [New] Automatic crop: edges selection - viewtopic.php?t=38015
1600: [New] DDS Bcn compression
1599: [New] Libjpeg 2.0.3
1596: [New] Template - part of text
1595: [New] Transfer: Copy data to Metadata
1593: [New] 'Go to x,y location'
1581: [New] XIM format - read support
1570: [New] RAW color matrix setting
1598: [New] Similar: 'only folder' setting
1657: [New] Canvas resize: position matrix - viewtopic.php?t=38776
1656: [New] Print selection - viewtopic.php?t=38753
1655: [New] Setting to start with always same size - viewtopic.php?t=38723
1654: [New] Filter: 'Apply' to validate current filter - viewtopic.php?t=38724
1653: [New] Edit IPTC: double click to add History item - viewtopic.php?t=38709
1649: [New] Edit IPTC: open lastest tab setting - viewtopic.php?t=38694
1648: [New] Folder always sorted alphabetically setting - viewtopic.php?t=35126
1646: [New] Edit IPTC: in view mode, write added - viewtopic.php?t=38713
1644: [New] Desaturate - viewtopic.php?t=38381
1642: [New] Curves: Buttons instead combobox - viewtopic.php?t=38489
1639: [New] Contact Sheet: Background image - viewtopic.php?t=38550
1638: [New] Custom params for toolbar's command - viewtopic.php?t=38396
1636: [New] Quick search in description - viewtopic.php?t=38495
1634: [New] Slideshow: in .sld, you can add folder (must ends with '\' or '/') - viewtopic.php?t=38502
1633: [New] Load slideshow .sld from XnView Classic - viewtopic.php?t=38502
1629: [New] Create new image - viewtopic.php?t=38577
1686: [Bug] Batch Convert: Output path - viewtopic.php?t=39503
1685: [Bug] webP & metadata settings - viewtopic.php?t=39479
1684: [Bug] Categories added on TIFF - viewtopic.php?t=39375
1683: [Bug] PAM CMYK1682: [Bug] Replace color - viewtopic.php?t=39012
1681: [Bug] Batch Convert: ICC not kept for PNG - viewtopic.php?t=39376
1680: [Bug] Non image files displayed before filtering - viewtopic.php?t=39358
1678: [Bug] BMP - viewtopic.php?t=39313
1677: [Bug] Catalog - rebuild thumbnails dead lock - viewtopic.php?t=39275
1675: [Bug] PSD fix alpha channel setting - viewtopic.php?t=39254
1674: [Bug] "return to browser" in fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=39015
1673: [Bug] Resize IPTC dialog - viewtopic.php?t=39247
1672: [Bug] Companion files not copied/moved with Copy/Move to - viewtopic.php?t=39164
1671: [Bug] Category search pane - viewtopic.php?t=37779
1668: [Bug] Browser: EXIF rotation (field) doesn't update timestamp - viewtopic.php?t=38866
1667: [Bug] Change color depth & background color - viewtopic.php?t=37996
1666: [Bug] Catalog relocate - viewtopic.php?t=37644
1665: [Bug] 'Match all' + rating + categories - viewtopic.php?t=38115
1664: [Bug] Random quick slideshow shows at most ~32,000 images - viewtopic.php?t=38721
1663: [Bug] Wrong focus after returning from fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=37727
1662: [Bug] Edit mode: File size displayed after rename - viewtopic.php?t=38432
1661: [Bug] Fusion dark theme & detail view - viewtopic.php?t=38022
1660: [Bug] Fusion dark theme - viewtopic.php?t=39122
1659: [Bug] Batch convert: Use CPU Core's - limited to last used setting - viewtopic.php?t=38669
1658: [Bug] Maximized to Fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=38700
1652: [Bug] Edit IPTC: 'Write' & 'don't load fields' - viewtopic.php?t=38237
1651: [Bug] Search: mixing base path and parent folder - viewtopic.php?t=31366
1650: [Bug] Not possible to change shortcut for capture/import clipboard/scan - viewtopic.php?t=38673
1647: [Bug] Switching printers lets XNView MP ignore margin settings - viewtopic.php?t=38509
1645: [Bug] Batch rename: Not possible to use arrow to select item - viewtopic.php?t=37022
1643: [Bug] File listing: Invalid field name with date - viewtopic.php?t=38483
1641: [Bug] Compare: Thumbnails not always refreshed at startup - viewtopic.php?t=37955
1640: [Bug] System context menu on folder tree & DPI - viewtopic.php?t=38470
1637: [Bug] Background color of Category Sets & Actions with Dark Fusion theme - viewtopic.php?t=38594
1635: [Bug] 'Show all files (recursive)" in menu - viewtopic.php?t=38610
1632: [Bug] Batch conversion uses disabled checkbox setting - viewtopic.php?t=39209
1631: [Bug] Rename folder not possible if browsed before
1630: [Bug] Resize image/canvas presets ignore 'keep ratio' setting - viewtopic.php?t=38581
1628: [Bug] Windows: Unable to paste on root drive - viewtopic.php?t=38264
1627: [Bug] MacOSX: Multiple instance not possible - viewtopic.php?t=39177
1626: [Bug] Problem when renaming/moving files with unicode in catalog - viewtopic.php?t=36410
1625: [Bug] WebP: target file size not used - viewtopic.php?t=39155
1624: [Bug] Capture: XnView window must not be restored after a capture (multiple capture)
1623: [Bug] PSD: IPTC no correctly written
1622: [Bug] Batch Convert: Resize - Longest/shortest & percent
1621: [Bug] TIFF - viewtopic.php?t=38180
1620: [Bug] Custom labels & validation - viewtopic.php?t=39128
1618: [Bug] Replace dialog: filesize is missing - viewtopic.php?t=39138
1617: [Bug] PSD: Error when writing metadata - viewtopic.php?t=39137
1616: [Bug] Can't save 1bit into webp - viewtopic.php?t=39104
1615: [New] Compare: Tabs - viewtopic.php?t=38746
1614: [Bug] Canvas Resize: Background color not saved
1610: [Bug] Compare: color labels - viewtopic.php?t=38744
1609: [Bug] Missing time total/elapsed for video playing
1608: [Bug] Video thumbnail creation locks - viewtopic.php?t=38045
1607: [Bug] Clipboard at exit - viewtopic.php?t=25527
1604: [Bug] Search: not using sidecar - viewtopic.php?t=38967
1603: [Bug] Registry not correctly detected - viewtopic.php?t=39014
1602: [Bug] Slow GIF playback - viewtopic.php?t=39005
1601: [Bug] {MPixel} format - viewtopic.php?t=39016
1597: [Bug] Import&Sort: EXIF date always used in filename template
1594: [Bug] Crash {META:LensID}
1592: [Bug] Batch convert + "Use CPU Cores" very slow to start with 30,000 images - viewtopic.php?t=38943
1591: [Bug] Height ignored when resize 'fill' & keep ratio off - viewtopic.php?t=38921
1590: [Bug] Canvas resize - Relative - 'mm' doesn't work - viewtopic.php?t=38924
1589: [Bug] Crash in curve - viewtopic.php?t=38903
1588: [Bug] CVE-2019-12151
1587: [Bug] Remote files must not be added to recent files
1586: [Bug] Filter with rating AND color label doesnt work - viewtopic.php?t=38890
1585: [Bug] Categories partly updated after 'Edit IPTC' - viewtopic.php?t=38878
1584: [New] Batch convert: Hot folders without auto processing - viewtopic.php?t=38825
1583: [Bug] Batch convert: Preview not updated - viewtopic.php?t=38856
1582: [Bug] Thumbnail for FLV not created - viewtopic.php?t=38867
1580: [Bug] Paste clipboard problems - viewtopic.php?t=38846
1579: [Bug] SPACE can't be assigned - viewtopic.php?t=38755
1578: [Bug] Folder thumbnail not created in the right order - viewtopic.php?t=38763
1577: [Bug] If thumbnail for video is disabled, slow when checking files
1576: [Bug] Crash on rotate 180 on binary image (w=1305)
1575: [Bug] 8bits+transparency => 32bits problem
1574: [Bug] Rename overwrite file if exist (usb key)
1573: [Bug] Dead lock on ppt
1572: [Bug] No icon for .url - viewtopic.php?t=38743
1571: [Bug] iThmb format
1569: [Bug] Jxr Half - viewtopic.php?t=38679
1568: [Bug] Import categories from Windows Live Fotogallery - viewtopic.php?t=38612
Changelog 0.93.1:
1567: [Bug] Print only first page - viewtopic.php?t=38651
1566: [Bug] HEIC on Mac
1565: [Bug] Stars on preview don't change rating
1564: [Bug] Error reading TGA 16bits RLE
1563: [Bug] Exit Artist shown on NEF file
1562: [Bug] Prev/Next not working with two or more opened tabs - viewtopic.php?t=38523
1561: [Bug] Problem to move video files - viewtopic.php?t=38488
1560: [Bug] Fullscreen view mode - Focus on image lost after edit - viewtopic.php?t=38490
1559: [Bug] Contact Sheet: Folder not restored - viewtopic.php?t=38570
1558]: [Bug] SPACE key settings - viewtopic.php?t=38478
1557: [Bug] WebP 32bits & metadata - viewtopic.php?t=38514
1556: [Bug] XCF (floating pixel) crash
1531: [Bug] Linux move to trash - viewtopic.php?t=37989
1555: [Bug] Windows Save dialog, Most used formats no more at top
You can download XnView MP 0.95 here:
Windows x32 ZIP version SHA256: 6B7DC928ED299AE7D213F4712AF3F620C594143EF78F9DD990F87363F6E45176
Windows x32 SETUP version SHA256: ECD394A6E7939BDC6B70D923A88A40C9CA4EBBCA64452E0E7E35EC3C41824149
Windows x64 ZIP version SHA256: D79F0DF7DA1CF4011E964C46B34792AEC5BB0F78C18313327E8B76AE3DCBFB3F
Windows x64 SETUP version SHA256: 2E623C063E661745D1036CCD7E180DD9DDEC857FDAA43125042A28B73017EF09
For Windows 7 and older, you have to install the driver from DirectX to run correctly QtAV (audio/video)
Mac x64 DMG version SHA256: 06CD113C6DF64BCAB0FB9F345A2D9E6F849472868DA26ADAB34D241AFB2C5829
Linux TGZ version: http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux.tgz
Linux DEB version: http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux.deb
Linux x64 TGZ version SHA256: 0C0FC8A8454127DD695FF2DDD9DA1F155B17C1298CE86ABBB221F28B36166108
Linux x64 DEB version SHA256: 027B9C01408343955789D0D0C363C7C378EC774F37A21D861D5D2319045FC3D9
ARM version: http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux-arm.tgz http://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-lin ... _armhf.deb
Linux x64 AppImages version: http://download.xnview.com/XnView_MP.gl ... 4.AppImage
Linux Flatpak version: https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.xnview.XnViewMP
Changelog 0.95:
1706: [New] Qt 5.12.6
Changelog 0.94.3:
1705: [New] Batch convert - 'Transparent color'
1704: [Bug] Font size in Fusion theme - viewtopic.php?t=39872
1703: [Bug] EXIF user comment - viewtopic.php?t=39873
Changelog 0.94.2:
1700: [New] 'Remove alpha' - viewtopic.php?t=39592
1694: [New] Video date - viewtopic.php?t=39739
1702: [Bug] GS 9.50 un*x - viewtopic.php?t=39753
1701: [Bug] zoom field keep focus - viewtopic.php?&t=39627
1699: [Bug] Thumbnails not loaded at startup - viewtopic.php?t=39754
1698: [Bug] Companion files deleted in edit mode, setting not used - viewtopic.php?t=39587
1697: [Bug] Categories not updated if file (IPTC) modified outside - viewtopic.php?t=39546
1696: [Bug] New files, no metadata - viewtopic.php?t=39690
1695: [Bug] Zoom field steals focus - viewtopic.php?t=39692
1693: [Bug] Compare similar content very slow - viewtopic.php?t=39695
1692: [Bug] Linux: Not all datas from ExifTools - viewtopic.php?t=39701
Changelog 0.94.1:
1691: [Bug] Problem with Ghostscript 9.50
1690: [Bug] Use file date if no exif date setting (useFileDateWhenNoExif in xnview.ini)
1689: [Bug] Browse categories result in fullscreen not possible - viewtopic.php?t=39638
1688: [Bug] Non image files not shown in browser
1687: [Bug] 'Edit IPTC' doesn't write fields - viewtopic.php?t=39620
Changelog 0.94:
1679: [New] Sort by EXIF date modified - viewtopic.php?t=39345
1676: [New] SQLite 3.29.0
1670: [New] Offset tool - viewtopic.php?t=37552
1669: [New] Unsharp Mask
1619: [New] Webp: Presets
1613: [New] Use Windows HEIC WIC decoder/encoder - viewtopic.php?t=39108
1612: [New] JPEG-XR export does not work - viewtopic.php?t=38401
1611: [New] Batch convert: Reorder items - viewtopic.php?t=38798
1606: [New] Automatic crop: edges selection - viewtopic.php?t=38015
1600: [New] DDS Bcn compression
1599: [New] Libjpeg 2.0.3
1596: [New] Template - part of text
1595: [New] Transfer: Copy data to Metadata
1593: [New] 'Go to x,y location'
1581: [New] XIM format - read support
1570: [New] RAW color matrix setting
1598: [New] Similar: 'only folder' setting
1657: [New] Canvas resize: position matrix - viewtopic.php?t=38776
1656: [New] Print selection - viewtopic.php?t=38753
1655: [New] Setting to start with always same size - viewtopic.php?t=38723
1654: [New] Filter: 'Apply' to validate current filter - viewtopic.php?t=38724
1653: [New] Edit IPTC: double click to add History item - viewtopic.php?t=38709
1649: [New] Edit IPTC: open lastest tab setting - viewtopic.php?t=38694
1648: [New] Folder always sorted alphabetically setting - viewtopic.php?t=35126
1646: [New] Edit IPTC: in view mode, write added - viewtopic.php?t=38713
1644: [New] Desaturate - viewtopic.php?t=38381
1642: [New] Curves: Buttons instead combobox - viewtopic.php?t=38489
1639: [New] Contact Sheet: Background image - viewtopic.php?t=38550
1638: [New] Custom params for toolbar's command - viewtopic.php?t=38396
1636: [New] Quick search in description - viewtopic.php?t=38495
1634: [New] Slideshow: in .sld, you can add folder (must ends with '\' or '/') - viewtopic.php?t=38502
1633: [New] Load slideshow .sld from XnView Classic - viewtopic.php?t=38502
1629: [New] Create new image - viewtopic.php?t=38577
1686: [Bug] Batch Convert: Output path - viewtopic.php?t=39503
1685: [Bug] webP & metadata settings - viewtopic.php?t=39479
1684: [Bug] Categories added on TIFF - viewtopic.php?t=39375
1683: [Bug] PAM CMYK1682: [Bug] Replace color - viewtopic.php?t=39012
1681: [Bug] Batch Convert: ICC not kept for PNG - viewtopic.php?t=39376
1680: [Bug] Non image files displayed before filtering - viewtopic.php?t=39358
1678: [Bug] BMP - viewtopic.php?t=39313
1677: [Bug] Catalog - rebuild thumbnails dead lock - viewtopic.php?t=39275
1675: [Bug] PSD fix alpha channel setting - viewtopic.php?t=39254
1674: [Bug] "return to browser" in fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=39015
1673: [Bug] Resize IPTC dialog - viewtopic.php?t=39247
1672: [Bug] Companion files not copied/moved with Copy/Move to - viewtopic.php?t=39164
1671: [Bug] Category search pane - viewtopic.php?t=37779
1668: [Bug] Browser: EXIF rotation (field) doesn't update timestamp - viewtopic.php?t=38866
1667: [Bug] Change color depth & background color - viewtopic.php?t=37996
1666: [Bug] Catalog relocate - viewtopic.php?t=37644
1665: [Bug] 'Match all' + rating + categories - viewtopic.php?t=38115
1664: [Bug] Random quick slideshow shows at most ~32,000 images - viewtopic.php?t=38721
1663: [Bug] Wrong focus after returning from fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=37727
1662: [Bug] Edit mode: File size displayed after rename - viewtopic.php?t=38432
1661: [Bug] Fusion dark theme & detail view - viewtopic.php?t=38022
1660: [Bug] Fusion dark theme - viewtopic.php?t=39122
1659: [Bug] Batch convert: Use CPU Core's - limited to last used setting - viewtopic.php?t=38669
1658: [Bug] Maximized to Fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=38700
1652: [Bug] Edit IPTC: 'Write' & 'don't load fields' - viewtopic.php?t=38237
1651: [Bug] Search: mixing base path and parent folder - viewtopic.php?t=31366
1650: [Bug] Not possible to change shortcut for capture/import clipboard/scan - viewtopic.php?t=38673
1647: [Bug] Switching printers lets XNView MP ignore margin settings - viewtopic.php?t=38509
1645: [Bug] Batch rename: Not possible to use arrow to select item - viewtopic.php?t=37022
1643: [Bug] File listing: Invalid field name with date - viewtopic.php?t=38483
1641: [Bug] Compare: Thumbnails not always refreshed at startup - viewtopic.php?t=37955
1640: [Bug] System context menu on folder tree & DPI - viewtopic.php?t=38470
1637: [Bug] Background color of Category Sets & Actions with Dark Fusion theme - viewtopic.php?t=38594
1635: [Bug] 'Show all files (recursive)" in menu - viewtopic.php?t=38610
1632: [Bug] Batch conversion uses disabled checkbox setting - viewtopic.php?t=39209
1631: [Bug] Rename folder not possible if browsed before
1630: [Bug] Resize image/canvas presets ignore 'keep ratio' setting - viewtopic.php?t=38581
1628: [Bug] Windows: Unable to paste on root drive - viewtopic.php?t=38264
1627: [Bug] MacOSX: Multiple instance not possible - viewtopic.php?t=39177
1626: [Bug] Problem when renaming/moving files with unicode in catalog - viewtopic.php?t=36410
1625: [Bug] WebP: target file size not used - viewtopic.php?t=39155
1624: [Bug] Capture: XnView window must not be restored after a capture (multiple capture)
1623: [Bug] PSD: IPTC no correctly written
1622: [Bug] Batch Convert: Resize - Longest/shortest & percent
1621: [Bug] TIFF - viewtopic.php?t=38180
1620: [Bug] Custom labels & validation - viewtopic.php?t=39128
1618: [Bug] Replace dialog: filesize is missing - viewtopic.php?t=39138
1617: [Bug] PSD: Error when writing metadata - viewtopic.php?t=39137
1616: [Bug] Can't save 1bit into webp - viewtopic.php?t=39104
1615: [New] Compare: Tabs - viewtopic.php?t=38746
1614: [Bug] Canvas Resize: Background color not saved
1610: [Bug] Compare: color labels - viewtopic.php?t=38744
1609: [Bug] Missing time total/elapsed for video playing
1608: [Bug] Video thumbnail creation locks - viewtopic.php?t=38045
1607: [Bug] Clipboard at exit - viewtopic.php?t=25527
1604: [Bug] Search: not using sidecar - viewtopic.php?t=38967
1603: [Bug] Registry not correctly detected - viewtopic.php?t=39014
1602: [Bug] Slow GIF playback - viewtopic.php?t=39005
1601: [Bug] {MPixel} format - viewtopic.php?t=39016
1597: [Bug] Import&Sort: EXIF date always used in filename template
1594: [Bug] Crash {META:LensID}
1592: [Bug] Batch convert + "Use CPU Cores" very slow to start with 30,000 images - viewtopic.php?t=38943
1591: [Bug] Height ignored when resize 'fill' & keep ratio off - viewtopic.php?t=38921
1590: [Bug] Canvas resize - Relative - 'mm' doesn't work - viewtopic.php?t=38924
1589: [Bug] Crash in curve - viewtopic.php?t=38903
1588: [Bug] CVE-2019-12151
1587: [Bug] Remote files must not be added to recent files
1586: [Bug] Filter with rating AND color label doesnt work - viewtopic.php?t=38890
1585: [Bug] Categories partly updated after 'Edit IPTC' - viewtopic.php?t=38878
1584: [New] Batch convert: Hot folders without auto processing - viewtopic.php?t=38825
1583: [Bug] Batch convert: Preview not updated - viewtopic.php?t=38856
1582: [Bug] Thumbnail for FLV not created - viewtopic.php?t=38867
1580: [Bug] Paste clipboard problems - viewtopic.php?t=38846
1579: [Bug] SPACE can't be assigned - viewtopic.php?t=38755
1578: [Bug] Folder thumbnail not created in the right order - viewtopic.php?t=38763
1577: [Bug] If thumbnail for video is disabled, slow when checking files
1576: [Bug] Crash on rotate 180 on binary image (w=1305)
1575: [Bug] 8bits+transparency => 32bits problem
1574: [Bug] Rename overwrite file if exist (usb key)
1573: [Bug] Dead lock on ppt
1572: [Bug] No icon for .url - viewtopic.php?t=38743
1571: [Bug] iThmb format
1569: [Bug] Jxr Half - viewtopic.php?t=38679
1568: [Bug] Import categories from Windows Live Fotogallery - viewtopic.php?t=38612
Changelog 0.93.1:
1567: [Bug] Print only first page - viewtopic.php?t=38651
1566: [Bug] HEIC on Mac
1565: [Bug] Stars on preview don't change rating
1564: [Bug] Error reading TGA 16bits RLE
1563: [Bug] Exit Artist shown on NEF file
1562: [Bug] Prev/Next not working with two or more opened tabs - viewtopic.php?t=38523
1561: [Bug] Problem to move video files - viewtopic.php?t=38488
1560: [Bug] Fullscreen view mode - Focus on image lost after edit - viewtopic.php?t=38490
1559: [Bug] Contact Sheet: Folder not restored - viewtopic.php?t=38570
1558]: [Bug] SPACE key settings - viewtopic.php?t=38478
1557: [Bug] WebP 32bits & metadata - viewtopic.php?t=38514
1556: [Bug] XCF (floating pixel) crash
1531: [Bug] Linux move to trash - viewtopic.php?t=37989
1555: [Bug] Windows Save dialog, Most used formats no more at top
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
Re: XnView MP 0.95
this version fixes the problem on MacOS Catalina (Drag&Drop + dark theme) but needs MacOS 10.12
- Posts: 457
- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:37 pm
- Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
Re: XnView MP 0.95
Thank you for the latest version 0.95 with Qt 5.12. Did the new qt version use another window design or is it possible to change it? It looks like a design for Windows XP programs.
PC: Intel 8700k + Asus Z370-F + 16 GB RAM G.Skill + Asus RTX 3050 OC + Samsung SSD
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
- Posts: 457
- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:37 pm
- Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
Re: XnView MP 0.95
I installed XnViewMP 0.95 over my previous version of XnViewMP (0.94.3) and the windows of XnViewMP get a little and new 3D look.
My XnViewMP theme is set to default (standard).
Version 0.94 - flat design
Version 0.95 - 3D Window design
My XnViewMP theme is set to default (standard).
Version 0.94 - flat design
Version 0.95 - 3D Window design
Last edited by XnTriq on Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Attachment deleted as requested by user
Reason: Attachment deleted as requested by user
PC: Intel 8700k + Asus Z370-F + 16 GB RAM G.Skill + Asus RTX 3050 OC + Samsung SSD
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
Re: XnView MP 0.95
i have not that on Win10 Pro too. Do you have a style_sheet in the config folder?
- Posts: 457
- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:37 pm
- Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
Re: XnView MP 0.95
I think I found the reason for the problem.
Your Windows 64bit Installer of XnViewMP does not install the styles folder within the XnviewMP folder.
The "qwindowsvistastyle.dll" file within the folder is missing, too.
If I install the XnViewMP.zip file to a different folder, I will find the missing folder and qwindowsvistastyle.dll file.
They make the visual difference within the design.
Your Windows 64bit Installer of XnViewMP does not install the styles folder within the XnviewMP folder.
The "qwindowsvistastyle.dll" file within the folder is missing, too.
If I install the XnViewMP.zip file to a different folder, I will find the missing folder and qwindowsvistastyle.dll file.
They make the visual difference within the design.
PC: Intel 8700k + Asus Z370-F + 16 GB RAM G.Skill + Asus RTX 3050 OC + Samsung SSD
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Sun May 19, 2013 7:54 am
Re: XnView MP 0.95
I think the hashes - at least on the Win64.exe version - might need updating as well.
I'm getting a mismatch.
I'm getting a mismatch.
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
Re: XnView MP 0.95
this one 98088D9815F07372091153DD8F0700C286574D9022F71BEE1BCA37294DB07277?
- Posts: 457
- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:37 pm
- Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
Re: XnView MP 0.95
The latest installer contains the missing .dll file and creates the folder style. Perfect! Thank you!
PC: Intel 8700k + Asus Z370-F + 16 GB RAM G.Skill + Asus RTX 3050 OC + Samsung SSD
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 |
GFX: XnViewMP 1.8.3 | XN-View 2.52.0 | XnConvert 1.102.0 | Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 | Elements XXL 11 | Paint.Net 5.1.1
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Sun May 19, 2013 7:54 am
Re: XnView MP 0.95
Yes. I get: 2e623c063e661745d1036ccd7e180dd9ddec857fdaa43125042a28b73017ef09
If you are not seeing it...maybe it is a problem on my end.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:34 am
Re: XnView MP 0.95
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and was Updating to 0.95. XnView MP dosen't work because the qt Library you use is not supported. ubuntu 18.04 LTS is using QT 5.9. Please add a dependency to this Library and Version to the deb package. This will protect against installation into a incompatible System. I also tried to use the launchpad repository https://launchpad.net/~beineri/+archive ... 2.0-bionic that provide QT 5.12 for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but this dosen't provide all modules and you use one this missing ones.
Then i was trying to downgrade to 0.94.3, but there is no package on your site or this forum. Please make this available, so older System can use it.
Then i was trying to downgrade to 0.94.3, but there is no package on your site or this forum. Please make this available, so older System can use it.
- Author of XnView
- Posts: 45193
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
- Location: France
Re: XnView MP 0.95
I can't reproduce on ubuntu 18.04, which message do you have? Qt 5.12 is in the package.rvincenz wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:45 am I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and was Updating to 0.95. XnView MP dosen't work because the qt Library you use is not supported. ubuntu 18.04 LTS is using QT 5.9. Please add a dependency to this Library and Version to the deb package. This will protect against installation into a incompatible System. I also tried to use the launchpad repository https://launchpad.net/~beineri/+archive ... 2.0-bionic that provide QT 5.12 for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but this dosen't provide all modules and you use one this missing ones.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:34 am
Re: XnView MP 0.95
Here is the output of the installation and executing the programm:
Code: Select all
user@host-linux:~/Downloads$ sudo apt install ./XnViewMP-linux-x64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'xnview' instead of './XnViewMP-linux-x64.deb'
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/50,9 MB of archives.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 /home/rv/Downloads/XnViewMP-linux-x64.deb xnview amd64 0.95 [50,9 MB]
(Reading database ... 429044 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../XnViewMP-linux-x64.deb ...
Unpacking xnview (0.95) over (0.94.3) ...
Setting up xnview (0.95) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.60ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04.2) ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.13.3-11ubuntu1.1) ...
user@host-linux:~$ xnview
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50907) with this library (version 0x50c06)
Aborted (core dumped)[code]