Firstly, I'd like to roughly describe what I wan to do: Every now and then I take bunch of photos (in a variety of different resolutions, some of them taken with the iPhone camera, some others not), which I want to make kind of a slideshow of. Since I'm dumb I go the gritty way and want to do this with ffmpeg (please don't ask me why

I used to do this preparation with XnConvert and everything was fine, the photos were all correctly aligned. Now I wondered why not use nconvert instead to make a neat script that does everything on its own. So I exported my existing configuration
Code: Select all
nconvert -quiet -autocrop 1 255 255 255 -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize 1920 1080 -canvas 1920 1080 center -bgcolor 0 0 0 -out jpeg -q 90 -o ../converted/image_#.jpg ./*
The photos from the other camera were correctly rendered, as far as I have seen. The iPhone photos though, are a mess. A few of them are correctly, some are rotated by 90 degrees and some others by 180 degrees. Now I know, the iPhone camera sometimes has strange rotation metadata, but the same images with the same configuration should in my opinion result in the same output.
I already tried to fix this with adding
Code: Select all
-jpegtrans exif

Long story short: Do I miss something here or is there no way to work around that behavior?