Sometimes: image(s), file(s), tab(s), thumbnail(s), …cday wrote:In other cases where an action can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images, is ... image(s)... used?

Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
Sometimes: image(s), file(s), tab(s), thumbnail(s), …cday wrote:In other cases where an action can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images, is ... image(s)... used?
At a very quick look, I don't have time for any more immediately, I don't see it used in any *menu* item (rather than in a message) ?
That's fine with me, too.helmut wrote:• "Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" -->
"Category tree successfully imported into XnView categories"I'm fine with your suggestion and changed it above. Do you also agree, XnTriq?vertigo wrote:I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it would sound better as "Category tree successfully imported..." or "Category tree has been sucessfully imported..." Using "was" here just sounds like it "was" done earlier vs "just now" when the import action was performed. Thoughts XnTriq?
Yes, valid point:cday wrote:At a very quick look, I don't have time for any more immediately, I don't see it used in any *menu* item (rather than in a message) ?
It is about consistency...
[When an action is selected from the browser rather than the viewer, isn't it possibly normal and implicit that it can also be applied to multiple selected images?? ]
So for consistency's sake, it should say “Split images...”, “Splitting image, please wait...”, and “Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail”.helmut wrote:• "Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
"Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail"Right, the "thumbnail(s)" would be 100% correct. But using the plural makes things less clear, e.g. "Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail(s)" sounds as if there could be several EXIF thumbnails in one image file that are rebuilt. Last not least there are some labels in singular, already, e.g. "Edit comment..." or "Change timestamp...". So I wonder whether all labels should be in singular (as if one file was selected)?vertigo wrote:Not sure if this is applicable to a single file or possibly multiple files, but if it can be multiple, then just as with the previous item it should be "thumbnails" or "thumbnail(s)."
O.k., so we decide for now that in XnView browser menu items that can be applied to both a single file and multiple files singular is used (e.g. "image, file, ...").cday wrote:In Join images... "images" must necessarily be plural, but Split... can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images...XnTriq wrote:<edit> cday was first </edit>
- Create
- Join images...
- Split images...
So should the text be Split image... or Split images... (or Split image(s)... ) ?
When an action can be applied to a single file or to multiple files, isn't singular the norm?
Agreed. Ideally, the name should depend on the operating system:Jochen S. wrote: ↑Sun Apr 29, 2018 3:14 pm "Explorer" -> "File manager" ?
Right click in browser tab opens a context menu. The last entry reads "Explorer". Clicking on it opens the folder with Nemo (default file manager in Linux Mint). I think file manager is the better name, see ..
Improvements in Windows Explorer:
The two strings don't use the same term, so there is something wrong: 1. DB Categories vs. 2. DB Category
Hmm, "Category DB" sounds as if there was a special database for the categories.
Indeed. I thought there was something like separate database for categories.helmut wrote: ↑Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:22 pm Hmm, "Category DB" sounds as if there was a special database for the categories.
It says "XMP Subject" and "IPTC Keyword", so "DB Category" or "Database Category" seems a logical way to specify the category. Though, is "DB" or "Database" needed at all? FAIK, categories exist in XnView, only, so it's clear that XnView's categories stored in XnView's database are exported and imported.