Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

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Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Post by FeriM »

Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Hi all,
(short info)
Can someone tell me what caused the difference in the following two files ? It is the same picture, downloaded (copy/paste) from the same phone to the same win7 x64 machine at different times.

Usually I copy all the pictures from phone to a new folder, sometimes I delete them from phone, sometimes not. I discovered by chance that the same files that I copied at different times are different, it looks like some metadata change. I uploaded only a pair, but all files are affected the same way. I would like to know if the change was made by the phone itself (moving pictures to card storage?! software update?!), or some editor/viewer without user permission... however strange this might seem.
Phone is Sony Xperia Z2 (more details in file metadata), and the viewers I usually use for browsing are IrfanView, XnView and some old ACDSee...

So anyone who has an idea or can suggest a better place to ask the question, please help
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Re: Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Post by xnview »

EXIF makernotes is the difference
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Re: Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Post by michel038 »

Edit metadata with Fastphototagger :

Code: Select all

Group           Métadata           DSC_0017-c.JPG           DSC_0017-d.JPG           
Composite       Aperture             2.0                      2.0                      
Composite       FocalLength35efl     4.9 mm                   4.9 mm                   
Composite       ImageSize            3840x2160                3840x2160                
Composite       LightValue           8.0                      8.0                      
Composite       Megapixels           8.3                      8.3                      
Composite       ShutterSpeed         1/50                     1/50                     
Composite       SubSecCreateDate     2017:06:12 08:57:22.206632017:06:12 08:57:22.20663
Composite       SubSecDateTimeOrigina2017:06:12 08:57:22.206632017:06:12 08:57:22.20663
Composite       SubSecModifyDate     2017:06:12 08:57:22.206632017:06:12 08:57:22.20663
Composite       ThumbnailImage       (Binary data 3561 bytes, (Binary data 3561 bytes, 
EXIF:ExifIFD    ColorSpace           sRGB                     sRGB                     
EXIF:ExifIFD    ComponentsConfiguratiY, Cb, Cr, -             Y, Cb, Cr, -             
EXIF:ExifIFD    CreateDate           2017:06:12 08:57:22      2017:06:12 08:57:22      
EXIF:ExifIFD    CustomRendered       Normal                   Normal                   
EXIF:ExifIFD    DateTimeOriginal     2017:06:12 08:57:22      2017:06:12 08:57:22      
EXIF:ExifIFD    DigitalZoomRatio     1                        1                        
EXIF:ExifIFD    ExifImageHeight      2160                     2160                     
EXIF:ExifIFD    ExifImageWidth       3840                     3840                     
EXIF:ExifIFD    ExifVersion          220                      220                      
EXIF:ExifIFD    ExposureCompensation 0                        0                        
EXIF:ExifIFD    ExposureMode         Auto                     Auto                     
EXIF:ExifIFD    ExposureTime         1/50                     1/50                     
EXIF:ExifIFD    Flash                Off, Did not fire        Off, Did not fire        
EXIF:ExifIFD    FlashpixVersion      100                      100                      
EXIF:ExifIFD    FNumber              2.0                      2.0                      
EXIF:ExifIFD    FocalLength          4.9 mm                   4.9 mm                   
EXIF:ExifIFD    ISO                  80                       80                       
EXIF:ExifIFD    LightSource          Unknown                  Unknown                  
EXIF:ExifIFD    MeteringMode         Multi-segment            Multi-segment            
EXIF:ExifIFD    SceneCaptureType     Standard                 Standard                 
EXIF:ExifIFD    ShutterSpeedValue    1/50                     1/50                     
EXIF:ExifIFD    SubjectDistanceRange Unknown                  Unknown                  
EXIF:ExifIFD    SubSecTime           206635                   
EXIF:ExifIFD    SubSecTimeDigitized  206635                   
EXIF:ExifIFD    SubSecTimeOriginal   206635                   
EXIF:ExifIFD    WhiteBalance         Auto                     Auto                     
EXIF:IFD0       Make                 Sony                     Sony                     
EXIF:IFD0       Model                D6503                    D6503                    
EXIF:IFD0       ModifyDate           2017:06:12 08:57:22      2017:06:12 08:57:22      
EXIF:IFD0       Orientation          Rotate 90 CW             Rotate 90 CW             
EXIF:IFD0       ResolutionUnit       inches                   inches                   
EXIF:IFD0       Software             23.5.A.1.291_6_f100000f  23.5.A.1.291_6_f100000f  
EXIF:IFD0       SubSecTime                                    206635                   
EXIF:IFD0       SubSecTimeDigitized                           206635                   
EXIF:IFD0       SubSecTimeOriginal                            206635                   
EXIF:IFD0       XResolution          72                       72                       
EXIF:IFD0       YCbCrPositioning     Centered                 Centered                 
EXIF:IFD0       YResolution          72                       72                       
EXIF:IFD1       Compression          JPEG (old-style)         JPEG (old-style)         
EXIF:IFD1       Orientation          Rotate 90 CW             Rotate 90 CW             
EXIF:IFD1       ResolutionUnit       inches                   inches                   
EXIF:IFD1       ThumbnailLength      3561                     3561                     
EXIF:IFD1       ThumbnailOffset      11766                    796                      
EXIF:IFD1       XResolution          72                       72                       
EXIF:IFD1       YResolution          72                       72                       
EXIF:InteropIFD InteropIndex         R98 - DCF basic file (sRGR98 - DCF basic file (sRG
EXIF:InteropIFD InteropVersion       100                      100                      
ExifTool        ExifToolVersion      10.33                    10.33                    
File:System     Directory            D :\test                 D :\test                 
File:System     FileAccessDate       2017:11:27 23:03:59+01:002017:11:27 23:04:23+01:00
File:System     FileCreateDate       2017:11:27 23:03:59+01:002017:11:27 23:04:23+01:00
File:System     FileModifyDate       2017:11:27 23:03:59+01:002017:11:27 23:04:23+01:00
File:System     FileName             DSC_0017-c.JPG           DSC_0017-d.JPG           
File:System     FilePermissions      rw-rw-rw-                rw-rw-rw-                
File:System     FileSize             2.7 MB                   2.7 MB                   
File            BitsPerSample        8                        8                        
File            ColorComponents      3                        3                        
File            EncodingProcess      Baseline DCT, Huffman codBaseline DCT, Huffman cod
File            ExifByteOrder        Little-endian (Intel, II)Little-endian (Intel, II)
File            FileType             JPEG                     JPEG                     
File            FileTypeExtension    jpg                      jpg                      
File            ImageHeight          2160                     2160                     
File            ImageWidth           3840                     3840                     
File            MIMEType             image/jpeg               image/jpeg               
File            YCbCrSubSampling     YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)         YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)         
MakerNotes:Sony FaceInfoLength       26                       
MakerNotes:Sony FaceInfoOffset       94                       
MakerNotes:Sony FacesDetected        0                        
MakerNotes:Sony MetaVersion                                   
MakerNotes:Sony SoftSkinEffect       Off                      
MakerNotes:Sony SonyDateTime         2017:06:12 08:57:22      
MakerNotes:Sony SonyImageHeight      2160                     
MakerNotes:Sony SonyImageWidth       3840                     

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Re: Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Post by FeriM »

Any idea why the maker notes are included vs missing from same files, downloaded at different points in time? Is there some setting on the phone?
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Re: Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Post by michel038 »

Perhaps your phone tried to detect faces later, and wrote the last 8 lines of exif metadata... and some other metadata were updated.. ?

Each software, each camera writes a lot of metadata using his own way ...

You can see some Sony metadata here : ... /Sony.html
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Re: Mysterious change in picture files - Jpeg expert opinion needed

Post by XnTriq »

According to Stuffware Photo Studio, there's also an empty EXIF GPS IFD in DSC_0017-NkSWLXHf.JPG which is missing in DSC_0017__2_-3viRfLKc.JPG.