Danish translation?

Translation of On-Screen texts of XnView MP and XnConvert

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Danish translation?

Post by ljhelbo »

I am missing a Danish version of XnView MP. So I downloaded the translation-program. However, in there I find a Danish translation, which seems to be more or less complete - xnview_da.ts. Why is this not included n the program? Is anything missing and could I contribute with anything to mae things complte?
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Re: Danish translation?

Post by xnview »

ljhelbo wrote:I am missing a Danish version of XnView MP. So I downloaded the translation-program. However, in there I find a Danish translation, which seems to be more or less complete - xnview_da.ts. Why is this not included n the program? Is anything missing and could I contribute with anything to mae things complte?
there is an error, the xnview_da.qm exists in zip package but not in setup package, i'll fix it.
You can edit the xnview_da.ts, and send me it
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Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:50 am

Re: Danish translation?

Post by ljhelbo »

Oh thats why ;-)
I now downloaded the zip-file and it seems that everything is fine. If I find something missing, I will send an updated file.