Could anyone tell me how to fix my script or command lines to choose a different destination after the image have been resized? I am very new to all of this. Any help would be appreciated.
nconvert -ratio -rtype lanczos -rflag decr -resize 400 400 C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\temp\*.jpg C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\temp\400\*.jpg
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Need help to select destination location
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
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Re: Need help to select destination location
Code: Select all
nconvert -ratio -rtype lanczos -rflag decr -resize 400 400 -o C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\temp\400\%.jpg C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\temp\*.jpg
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:54 am
Re: Need help to select destination location
Thanks for the help, it's truly appreciated. Only change I had to make (thanks to your links) was to add a double % to the line. Works exactly like I want, Great program.
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Re: Need help to select destination location
Welcome to the forum, GeoDragon (-: