Thanks for responding to our suggestions for XnView Retro!
- · The spinner for the gamma adjustment (thanks for that, BTW!) uses too large an increment. The increment is 1. It should be 0.1, IMO.
· I really like how there is a splitter between the effects sliders and the image. One can adjust the mouse-precision of the sliders by simply making their panel a bit wider. Very nice!
· For "Light" and "Frame", the thumb for the "original" image is not correct.
· IMO the thumbs should be resizeable. They are too small on my 1920x1200 display. A simple splitter between the thumbs and the image would be great, with the thumbs scaling in response to the splitter position.
· The "Color Balance" controls don't have labels.
· I am not a fan of the blue outline of the "original" thumb, nor its rounded corners.
· The currently selected Retro thumb is not "highlighted".
· There is still no way to adjust the "size" of the frame. For instance (my favorite) frame 18 is simply too wide for the image. The user should be able to make the frame whatever width is appropriate for the image.
· This nice tool should be implemented directly into MP (as a plugin, perhaps?).