Well, it works !

It is working fine, and really faster than Gwenview, for example.
Thanks to the author(s).
Here are some unsorted things (sorry for my English language) :
- Mouse wheel : rotation seems to be inverted. When I want to go forward in pictures, I go backward.
- I should really appreciate a feature like this : switch between 100% zoom and automatic zoom with a single wheel click. In all viewing modes.
- Histogram and Info (in full screen mode) settings seems not to be saved all time. I must sometimes type "H" and "I" again when restarting XnViewMP.
- I can't drag and drop files from thumbnails pane to directories pane, I can only drag and drop in thumbnails pane.
- There are some crashes, but I can't really reproduce them. Sometimes, it crashes when I'm clicking on a thumbnail.
Well, it's what I can say this evening...
And congratulations for this good test-release !