Saving a resized 16bit png, comes out 8bit

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Saving a resized 16bit png, comes out 8bit

Post by Koogle »

Is this correct? doesn't seem to be any setting to making it keep the same color depth as the original? Albeit resized and then saved with compression but no setting for 16bit or 8bit it just defaults 8bit?
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Re: Saving a resized 16bit png, comes out 8bit

Post by Koogle »

Also wish the PNG compression level would actually state which number is lower or higher quality.. is 9 the highest compression? and 0 lowest compression? or other way around.. not clear and could be a bit more helpful with a tooltip or something
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Re: Saving a resized 16bit png, comes out 8bit

Post by xnview »

image datas is always converted to 8bits per component
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Re: Saving a resized 16bit png, comes out 8bit

Post by Koogle »

well if I take the png image into photoshop resize and then save a png again it will keep the 16bit color ... also just made a quick c# console app to do conversions of these png files using the SixLabors.ImageSharp lib and that will also resize and save out as the same 16bit format... seems just saving out from xnview will lose that 16bit color depth.. it's just the output has to be 16bit as 8bit loses the extra info.. as they are heightmap textures
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Re: Saving a resized 16bit png, comes out 8bit

Post by xnview »

only Nconvert can keep 16bits/component