XnviewMP starting very slow

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Posts: 10
Joined: Sat May 13, 2023 12:50 pm

Re: XnviewMP starting very slow

Post by jnc92 »

Here is the log. I replaced my actual windows account name by "account" in the paths.

Code: Select all

XNVIEW restoreGeometry before : 640 480
XNVIEW restoreGeometry after : 1034 905
XNVIEW SIZE 1034 905

########### BrowserWindow :: BrowserWindow

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
MENU install : 0000024CB4538BF0
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 255, 255, 255, 178'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 255'
########### BrowserWindow :: ok create (640 480)
BrowserWindow :: changeVisibility()
BrowserWindow :: changeVisibility()
BrowserWindow :: changeVisibility()
########### BrowserWindow :: restoreState (1034 905)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
BrowserWindow :: restoreState => 1034 905
                              => 774 680
BrowserWindow :: restoreState ok => 774 680
XNVIEW SIZE ok 1034 905
### BrowserWindow :: onStart go
#### onCategoryDockVisible (1)
########### BrowserWindow :: restoreState (1680 1003)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
BrowserWindow :: restoreState => 1680 1003
                              => 1143 927
BrowserWindow :: restoreState ok => 1143 927
### BrowserWindow :: onStart
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QList<int>'
(Make sure 'QList<int>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
BrowserWindow :: onStart 2
setPathname <C:/Users/account/Pictures/>
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(0)
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList() wait
######ThumbLoaderThread :: run : b46321a0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : b46321a0
 ** start condition wait
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList() after wait
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : b46321a0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : b46321a0
 ** start condition wait
## Check folder
  ## Check companion  1
  ## Check companion ok  5
  ## OPEN DB FOLDER ok  14
  ## UPDATE DB FOLDER ok  17
  ## OPEN FOLDER ok  17
## updateLabel  17
## updateLabels ok  19
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
SORT the list...
STD::SORT... 0
  STL::SORT... 0
SORT the list... 3
SORT the list... 3
BitmapLoadThread :: stop()
Add watcher <C:/Users/account/Desktop/>
Add watcher <C:/>
Add watcher <C:/Users/>
Add watcher <C:/Users/account/>
Add watcher <C:/Users/account/Pictures/>

  ###### CHECK CHILDRENS ok (0)

  dataChanged2 ==>  1 (.freemind)  ->  10 (Liens)
  ###### CHECK CHILDRENS ok (4)

## OPEN FOLDER done  333
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(71)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : b46321a0
CHECK <70>
### BrowserWindow :: finish
### START 71
######ThumbLoaderThread :: start : 70     -1 -1
sizeHints : 128
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : b46321a0
 ** start condition wait
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\Camera Roll
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____03____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____04____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____10____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____11____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____17____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____A____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____G____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____H____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\Saved Pictures
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\Screenshots
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____05____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____06____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____12____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____13____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____B____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____C____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____J____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____K____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____00____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____01____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____07____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____08____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____14____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____15____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____D____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____E____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____L____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____M____0.jpg
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____02____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____09____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____16____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____F____0.jpg
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad
 ** start condition wake one 3
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : b46321a0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : b46321a0
 ** start condition wait
sizeHints : 128
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad
 ** start condition wake one 3
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : b46321a0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : b46321a0
 ** start condition wait
The problem seems to be the timed out lines (it takes some time for each one to appear). Note that this list is not the full list of the files in the /Pictures folder.
I tried to delete the catalog of the thumbnails preview database and same problem, it takes an eternity with SHGetFileInfo() timed out for each pic in the folder.

Hope that helps.
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Author of XnView
Posts: 45218
Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
Location: France

Re: XnviewMP starting very slow

Post by xnview »

jnc92 wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 6:41 am The problem seems to be the timed out lines (it takes some time for each one to appear). Note that this list is not the full list of the files in the /Pictures folder.
I tried to delete the catalog of the thumbnails preview database and same problem, it takes an eternity with SHGetFileInfo() timed out for each pic in the folder.
Yes it's the problem. And if you try to use windows explorer in this folder?
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat May 13, 2023 12:50 pm

Re: XnviewMP starting very slow

Post by jnc92 »

No problem at all with the Windows Explorer.

As it works well when opening a picture only, I opened one (Page de garde.tif) and then switched to the browser mode and it seems to go well at the very beginning but it quickly runs in the time out lines:

Code: Select all

XNVIEW restoreGeometry before : 640 480
XNVIEW restoreGeometry after : 1034 905
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onPagePrevious()
##PB connect <1onPagePrevious()>
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onPageNext()
##PB connect <1onPageNext()>
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onPageFirst()
##PB connect <1onPageFirst()>
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onPageLast()
##PB connect <1onPageLast()>
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onUseSmooth()
##PB connect <1onUseSmooth()>
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onNormalize2()
##PB connect <1onNormalize2()>
QObject::connect: No such slot AbstractViewWindow::onAlign()
##PB connect <1onAlign()>
MENU install : 00000176CBBE0E90
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 255, 255, 255, 178'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 255'
@@ 57592239
Create window finished
==> 1034
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
MyView::change C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif
## Bitmap :: load 0
###### GFF:load <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>
####LOAD <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>  0
### resetViewport (00000176CBBE8E70)  ==> 1034 803  (568 803) 0 0
@@ 57592426
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
SORT the list...
STD::SORT... 0
  STL::SORT... 0
SORT the list... 2
SORT the list... 2
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(1)
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList() wait
######ThumbLoaderThread :: run : cbde46f0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : cbde46f0
 ** start condition wait
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList() after wait
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : cbde46f0
setCurrentFilename <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>
### START 1
######ThumbLoaderThread :: start : 1     -1 -1
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 255, 255, 255, 178'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 255'
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad
 ** start condition wake one 3
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad ok
### resetViewport (00000176CBBE8E70)  ==> 1680 925  (654 925) 0 0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : cbde46f0
 ** start condition wait
############### UPDATE MENU ############
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 255, 255, 255, 178'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 255'
SORT the list...
STD::SORT... 0
  STL::SORT... 0
SORT the list... 0
SORT the list... 1
### ThumbLoaderThread :: updateFileList
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: updateFileList ok
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(0)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : cbde46f0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : cbde46f0
 ** start condition wait
## Check folder
  ## Check companion  0
  ## Check companion ok  0
  ## OPEN DB FOLDER ok  4
  ## OPEN FOLDER ok  6
## updateLabel  6
## updateLabels ok  7
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
SORT the list...
STD::SORT... 0
  STL::SORT... 0
SORT the list... 0
SORT the list... 0
## OPEN FOLDER done  9
setCurrentFilename <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>
############### UPDATE MENU ############
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif> ok
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 255, 255, 255, 178'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 255'
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(64)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : cbde46f0
CHECK <63>
### START 64
######ThumbLoaderThread :: start : 63     -1 -1
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____00____0.png>
10  IHDR 13
29  zTXt 178
e7  PLTE 96
153  IDAT 8192
215f  IDAT 8192
416b  IDAT 8192
6177  IDAT 3675
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____00____0.png> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8812)
BLOB length 100
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____01____0.png>
10  IHDR 13
29  sRGB 1
36  gAMA 4
46  pHYs 9
5b  IDAT 65445
1000c  IDAT 65524
2000c  IDAT 65524
3000c  IDAT 65524
4000c  IDAT 65524
5000c  IDAT 65524
6000c  IDAT 65524
7000c  IDAT 65524
8000c  IDAT 65524
9000c  IDAT 65524
a000c  IDAT 65524
b000c  IDAT 60287
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____01____0.png> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8813)
BLOB length 113
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____02____0.png>
10  IHDR 13
29  zTXt 173
e2  PLTE 96
14e  IDAT 8192
215a  IDAT 5707
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____02____0.png> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8814)
BLOB length 100
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____A____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____A____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8830)
BLOB length 96
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____B____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____B____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8831)
BLOB length 170
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____C____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____C____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8832)
BLOB length 170
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____D____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____D____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8833)
BLOB length 113
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____E____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____E____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8834)
BLOB length 234
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____F____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____F____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8835)
BLOB length 113
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____G____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____G____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8836)
BLOB length 96
LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____H____0.jpg>
  LOAD INFO <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____H____0.jpg> ok
ThumbLoaderThread - ADD into DB (8837)
BLOB length 96
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : cbde46f0
 ** start condition wait
SORT the list...
STD::SORT... 0
  STL::SORT... 0
SORT the list... 4
SORT the list... 4
### ThumbLoaderThread :: updateFileList
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: updateFileList ok

########### BrowserWindow :: BrowserWindow

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
MENU install : 00000176CE92F340
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 255, 255, 255, 178'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 255'
########### BrowserWindow :: ok create (640 480)
BrowserWindow :: changeVisibility()
########### BrowserWindow :: restoreState (1680 1003)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
BrowserWindow :: restoreState => 1680 1003
                              => 1420 778
BrowserWindow :: restoreState ok => 1143 927
BrowserWindow :: changeVisibility()
### BrowserWindow :: onStart go
#### onCategoryDockVisible (1)
########### BrowserWindow :: restoreState (1680 1003)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
BrowserWindow :: restoreState => 1680 1003
                              => 1143 927
BrowserWindow :: restoreState ok => 1143 927
### BrowserWindow :: onStart
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QList<int>'
(Make sure 'QList<int>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
BrowserWindow :: onStart 2
setPathname <C:/Users/account/Pictures/>
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(0)
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList() wait
######ThumbLoaderThread :: run : ceac7aa0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : ceac7aa0
 ** start condition wait
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList() after wait
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : ceac7aa0
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : ceac7aa0
 ** start condition wait
## Check folder
  ## Check companion  0
  ## Check companion ok  0
  ## OPEN DB FOLDER ok  3
  ## OPEN FOLDER ok  3
## updateLabel  4
## updateLabels ok  5
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
SORT the list...
STD::SORT... 0
  STL::SORT... 0
SORT the list... 0
SORT the list... 0
BitmapLoadThread :: stop()
Add watcher <C:/Users/account/Desktop/>
Add watcher <C:/>
Add watcher <C:/Users/>
Add watcher <C:/Users/account/>
Add watcher <C:/Users/account/Pictures/>

  ###### CHECK CHILDRENS ok (0)

  dataChanged2 ==>  1 (.freemind)  ->  10 (Liens)
  ###### CHECK CHILDRENS ok (5)

## OPEN FOLDER done  338
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList(71)
ThumbLoaderThread :: stop()
 ** start condition wake one 2
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFileList ok
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever 2 : ceac7aa0
CHECK <70>
sizeHints : 128
### START 71
######ThumbLoaderThread :: start : 70     -1 -1
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad
 ** start condition wake one 3
### ThumbLoaderThread :: setFirstItemToLoad ok
######### CategoryModel :: checkAndSave()
MyView::set LOAD FULL C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif
BitmapLoadThread :: stop()
## BitmapLoadThread :: load -1 -1
## Bitmap :: load 0
###### GFF:load <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>
######### CategoryModel :: checkAndSave()
### BrowserWindow :: finish
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____00____0.png>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 135  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____01____0.png>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 64  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____02____0.png>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 119  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____A____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 17  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____B____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 160 94  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____C____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 160 103  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____D____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 173 144  (0)
####LOAD <C:/Users/account/Pictures/Page de garde.tif>  0
  ## BitmapLoadThread :: loaded 3307 4677
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____E____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 128  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____F____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 136 144  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____G____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 70  (0)
LOAD BITMAP <C:/Users/account/Pictures/0____H____0.jpg>
GFF :: LoadThumbnail : 192 115  (0)
######ThumbLoaderThread :: forever : ceac7aa0
 ** start condition wait
sizeHints : 128
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____17____0.png
SHGetFileInfo() timed out for  C:\Users\account\Pictures\0____A____0.jpg
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Author of XnView
Posts: 45218
Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
Location: France

Re: XnviewMP starting very slow

Post by xnview »

The folder C:\Users\account\Pictures is watched by another app like onedrive, dropbox, ...?
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat May 13, 2023 12:50 pm

Re: XnviewMP starting very slow

Post by jnc92 »

It is an encrypted area (with Zonecentral) but it has always been and there was no issue in the past.
There may be some security daemons, but can't remember when exactly the issue started. It didn't happen after a significant change that could have made me think about a link between the 2 events. Might be a silent installation however.

It may be related to Teams and OneDrive but those folders are not synced AFAIK. Will double check tomorrow.

I tried on my home machine with 1.4.5 and Windows 10 and it works fine.
Definitively something with my corporate machine then.