Scaling through percents - missing floating point?

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Scaling through percents - missing floating point?

Post by metamorphium »

Hello everyone!

I need to do a batch proportional scale of cca. 6600 images - I am converting my gfx between two 16:9 resolutions.
Moreover I need them to keep their original formats (png, jpg) and simply replace the files in their respective directories.

Of all the software XnViewMP was the only one which would work IF there was an option to enter 66.66666% instead of 66%. (1920x1080 down to 1280x720)

Is there any other way how to do this task to get an exact result? I fear doing 200% and then 33% would destroy the files too much?

Thank you,

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Re: Scaling through percents - missing floating point?

Post by m.Th. »



Is there any other way how to do this task to get an exact result? I fear doing 200% and then 33% would destroy the files too much?
No - IF you work with files with lossless compression. So do not use JPEGs, use PNGs. But I don't know that this suits to your case.
m. Th.

- Dark Themed XnViewMP 1.7.1 64bit on Win11 x64 -