Lubuntu13.10-pcmanfm -- xnviewmp as the default appl

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Lubuntu13.10-pcmanfm -- xnviewmp as the default appl

Post by quapurna »

Halo, XnViewMP developer.

Lubuntu 13.10
PCManFM 1.1.2

From within pcmanfm, I assigned XnViewMP as the default application for png expecting that if I double-clicked the png file, XnViewMP would open displaying the image. However, I got popup message saying "File not found".

To make it work; from pcmanfm, I must manually set the xnviewmp location which is "/usr/sbin/xnview".
It seems that the default file-association feature in pcmanfm uses /usr/bin/ .

I am not sure if it is pcmanfm or xnviewmp problem.

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Re: Lubuntu13.10-pcmanfm -- xnviewmp as the default appl

Post by Skulptron »

Thanx quapurna,
your instruction is very useful!

Also, here is another solution: ... fm#p113682

Lubuntu 13.10