option to just select fileswith a rating > 3*

XnConvert Multi Platform - Windows, MacOSX, Linux

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option to just select fileswith a rating > 3*

Post by fpdave100 »

Is this possible.

I'd like to automate syncing to a device / shared drive but only sync pics that I've rated above a certain value, and xnconvert can almost do everything I want (watermark, reduce, jpg quality, etc), but thereare few things it cant:
- filter by just files witha certain rating or above
- output into the same folder structure as it read the file from (or can it now do this?)

Lovely tool otherwise - much better than the one I started writing before I found this!!
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Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:40 am

Re: option to just select fileswith a rating > 3*

Post by venusgrogan »

I hope it is.