** English - English (=Master)

Translation of On-Screen texts of XnView MP and XnConvert

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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pm While updating German translation to XnView 0.94 beta 1 I found some issues in the English translation. Would be cool if some native speakers would double-check.

Menu Image:
Negative -->
Negative (Invert)
Just "Negative" is fine, since that's the commonly used term for this (making an image look like a film negative), however adding invert is fine.
helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pm Menu Image:
Desaturate -->
Desaturate (Black&White)
I don't seem to have this option (though I'd suggest a space before & after the ampersand, i.e. Black & White)...
helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pm Dialog Unsharp Mask:
Amount -->
Intensity (just like in most other effects/filters). Alternatively it could say "Value" in all effects/filters.
...or this one.
helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pm Message:
An error occurs during process, please check if files are not read-only!
An error occured during processing. Please make sure that files are not read-only!
"An error occurred during processing." I'd also suggest "Please verify files..." instead -- just sounds better (and the word "that" is unnecessary and basically filler).
helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pm Text:
Open lastest opened tab
Open latest opened tab (Question: Is a tab opened or an image opened?)
Yes, though without knowing where this is or what it does, it's hard to say if that's the best way to say it. For example, it might be better to say "Reopen latest opened tab" or "Reopen latest closed tab" or "Reopen latest active tab" etc.

While poking around looking for these, I also saw Image > Adjust > Conbright/Gammasat. Doing a search for these terms, the only relevant results I see are related to XnView, so I'm not sure if they're a term specific to this program or what, but my initial thoughts were that they mean, and therefore should say, "Brightness/Gamma."
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Re: ** English - English

Post by cday »

helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pm While updating German translation to XnView 0.94 beta 1 I found some issues in the English translation. Would be cool if some native speakers would double-check.

Menu Image:
Negative -->
Negative (Invert)

Menu Image:
Desaturate -->
Desaturate (Black&White)
Both look good...

Dialog Unsharp Mask:
Amount -->
Intensity (just like in most other effects/filters). Alternatively it could say "Value" in all effects/filters.
I'm not familiar with the unsharp mask yet, but a quick search seems to show that 'Amount' is indeed the usual term, and it is used in Photoshop:

Wikipedia - Unsharp masking

An error occurs during process, please check if files are not read-only!
An error occured during processing. Please make sure that files are not read-only!
Might the negative in both the above be avoided, maybe:

'An error occurred during process, check if files are read-only!'

Open lastest opened tab
Open latest opened tab (Question: Is a tab opened or an image opened?)
Not sure of the context... Not 'Reopen last closed tab'??

Several image processing dialogs, e.g. Image > Offset..:
Apply to original -->
Apply to image (just like in most dialogs)
Seems better, the change is applied to the opened image rather than the original file, although unlikely to cause confusion?

Any other native English speakers, or non-native speakers, have useful input?
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

@cday, @vertigo: Thank you for your super-fast replies. I even didn't have the chance to complete my post... ;)

• Commands "Negative" and "Desaturate" have been enhanced to "Negative (Invert)" and "Desaturate (Black&White)" to make these commands a bit clearer and easier to be found.

• "Open latest opened tab" is used in "Edit IPTC/XMP" dialog. (I had to search a bit myself.)

Another one:
The 'CPU Core' settings is disabled, can't be used with 'Ask' mode, or multipage, PDF files.
The 'CPU Core' settings is disabled, can't be used with 'Ask' mode, or multipage PDF files. (Note: Wrong punctuation. But I'm just guessing, here, because I don't know the context at all.)

Dialog "Create banner"
"Overwrite original file when saving"
"Overwrite original file(s) when saving" (Note: Plural because this decission will apply for one or multiple files depending on your selection.)
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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

Still not seeing the "Open latest opened tab" one. Not sure why some of these don't appear to be in my version.

As for "The 'CPU Core' settings is disabled, can't be used with 'Ask' mode, or multipage PDF files," it should either be "settings are" or "setting is" and both commas should go away, with the first replaced with "and." So it should read:

The 'CPU Core' settings are (or setting is) disabled and can't be used with 'Ask' mode or multipage PDF files.

Again, and as with you, I'm just guessing since I don't know the context. It might be that it should read "Can't be used with 'Ask' mode or multipage PDF files due to the 'CPU Core' setting being disabled" or similar.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

vertigo wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 10:24 pm Still not seeing the "Open latest opened tab" one. Not sure why some of these don't appear to be in my version.
Do you use 0.94 beta 1? My "location" wasn't precise. It's in "Edit IPTC/XMP" dialog in "Option" tab.
vertigo wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 10:24 pm... Again, and as with you, I'm just guessing since I don't know the context. ...
A lot of guessing these days. :|

EDIT: I think I understand the text, now. It's an information message and it should say something like:
"The 'Use CPU Cores' setting was disabled. This setting can't be used with 'Ask' mode or multipage PDF files."
"The 'Use CPU Cores' setting was disabled. This setting can't be combined with 'Ask' mode or multipage PDF files."
Last edited by helmut on Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

0.93.1. Checked for updates earlier when I couldn't find them, guess I have it set to ignore betas.

Another possibility would be "...disabled due to incompatibility with 'Ask' mode and multipage PDF files" or "...disabled since it can't be used with..." or "The 'Use CPU Cores' setting is incompatible with...and has been disabled." Lots of different ways to say it.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by cday »

vertigo wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:17 am 0.93.1. Checked for updates earlier when I couldn't find them, guess I have it set to ignore betas.
The betas can be downloaded from the (relatively new) Beta Testing section of the forum.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by xnview »

cday wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:53 pm Menu Image:
Negative -->
Negative (Invert)

Menu Image:
Desaturate -->
Desaturate (Black&White)

Dialog Unsharp Mask:
Amount -->
Intensity (just like in most other effects/filters). Alternatively it could say "Value" in all effects/filters.
It's the common terms, used in photoshop too
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pmMenu Image:
Negative -->
Negative (Invert)
I support this request.

helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pmMenu Image:
Desaturate -->
Desaturate (Black&White)
As of now (v0.93.1), there are two different ways for converting an image to 256 shades of gray in XnView:
  1. ImageChange color depth…Greyscale
  2. ImageAdjustEnhance colors…Saturation
@Pierre: Is MP's new Desaturate command the equivalent of moving the slider for Saturation to 0 :?:

helmut wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:42 pmDialog Unsharp Mask:
Amount -->
Intensity (just like in most other effects/filters). Alternatively it could say "Value" in all effects/filters.
With the exception of Paint Shop Pro (Radius/Strength/Clipping vs. Radius/Amount/Threshold) all editors (including Photoshop and GIMP) and plug-in filters I've come across use the term Amount. At least in my understanding, increasing/decreasing the values for radius and threshold also has an effect on the (perceived) intensity/strength.

Cambridge in Colour:
My suggestions for the dialog of the new Offset feature:
  • Fill empty area
  • Repeat edges pixels
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Another suggestion:

Settings → Browser → Thumbnails → Info icons:
"Has category" --> Category (Note: It says just "GPS", "EXIF", and so on. So it should say just "Category".)
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Encoded Date -->
Encoding Date (=Date of Encoding)

Could not authorize with pin -->
Could not authorize with PIN (Note: PIN = acronym for Personal Identification Number)

Select TWAIN source... -->
Select TWAIN source (scanner, camera, ...) (Note: Makes it clearer that you can connect to various devices like scanner or camera)

Twain Scan... -->
Twain Scan (Note: From what I can see scan job is submitted right away, therefore no elipsis)

Notation of predefined sizes
Currently, the predefined sizes are notated in different ways. Perhaps this can be unified.
Resize dialog: "Photo 4x6 inches (10x15cm)".
Print dialog: "4.0x6.0" (101x152mm)".
Contact sheet dialog: "4x6 inches".

4x6 inch -->
4x6 inches (10x15cm) or Photo 4x6 inch (10x15cm)

5x7 inch -->
5x7 inches (13x18cm) or Photo 5x7 inches (13x18cm)

6x8 inch -->
6x8 inches (15x20cm) or Photo 6x8 inches (15x20cm)

8x10 inch -->
8x10 inches (20x25cm) or Photo 8x10 inches (20x25cm)
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

XnView MP 0.96:

Some suggestions for the English translation:

• (10 for fastest) -->
(10 = fastest) Note: This will make translations easiers and clearer

• 90° Clockwise -->
+90° (clockwise) Note: see this previous post for more details

• 90° Anti Clockwise --->
-90° (counter clockwise)

• As original -->
Same as original

• Write settings -->
Settings for writing files Note: This will make translators' job easier.

• Read format settings -->
Settings for reading files Note: This will make translators' job easier.

• Open error -->
Error when opening file Note: This will make translators' job easier.

• Pan with Zoom -->
Use "Pan and Zoom" tool

• Quantizer for color -->
Quantization of color

• Quantizer for alpha -->
Quantization of alpha channel

• Quantizer for color / Quantizer for alpha:
Lossless -->
No change

• Rotate images according to EXIF orientation field /
Rotate images according to EXIF orientation tag /
Rotate images according to EXIF orientation -->
Rotate images according to EXIF orientation tag

• Use CPU Cores -->
Use multiple CPU Cores

• When output files already exist -->
If an output file arealdy exists

• Close after conversion -->
Exit after conversion or Exit program after conversion or Exit XnConvert after conversion

• Background color to use if image has an alpha channel -->
Background color for images with alpha channel

• Dialog: Banner
"All banner specifications (font, color, size, etc.) carry forward from the previous banner. The exception is text size, which is calculated to 'best fit' for banner height.

You may select multiple images to apply the same banner to them all. Note that the text will be the same size in all images.

Shortcut keys:
To increase/decrease the font size by 2 points, use [Control] + [Plus or Minus]
To increase/decrease the banner size by 1%, use [Control] + [Shift] + [Plus or Minus]
To save the file, use [Control] + S"
"All banner specifications (font, color, size, etc.) carry forward from the previously created banner. An exception is text size which is calculated to 'best fit' for banner height.

You may select multiple images to apply the same banner to several images at once. Note that the same text size will be applied for all images, then.

Shortcut keys:
[Ctrl]+[Plus] / [Ctrl]+[Minus]: Increase/decrease font size by 2 points
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Plus] or [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Plus]: Increase/decrease banner size by 1%
[Ctrl]+(S): Start banner creation" Note: "S" is supposed to be in square brackets

• Output files vs. destination files
Sometimes, the wording "output files" and sometimes "destination files" is used. Perhaps this can be unified.

• Replace vs. overwrite
When writing files, sometimes, the term "replace" and sometimes the term "overwrite" is used. Perhaps this can be unified. (Note: Personally I'd prefer "Overwrite". "Replace" sounds too harmless to me.)
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Re: ** English - English

Post by xnview »

helmut wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:39 pm Some suggestions for the English translation:
Ok, thanks
• Open error -->
Error when opening file Note: This will make translators' job easier.
Where do you have this string?
• Quantizer for color -->
Quantization of color

• Quantizer for alpha -->
Quantization of alpha channel
I use the term of AVIF library
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Thank you for your prompt reply, Pierre,

xnview wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:17 am
• Quantizer for color -->
Quantization of color

• Quantizer for alpha -->
Quantization of alpha channel
I use the term of AVIF library
FAIK, a quantizer is the tool/software/algorithm that performs a quantization/reduction. From developer perspective you pass values (=parameters) to the AVIF library and the quantizer will use these values and perform the quantization/reduction accordingly.
From (XnView) user perspective, you have an image/video and want to save it in AVIF format using quantization of color and/or alpha channel.

quantizer color: ~200.000 hits
quantization color: ~4.000.000 hits
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

XnView 0.96:

One more:

Menu "Image > Edit > Copy to clipboard >" (MenuView):
Image -->
Image content