The current date format of an exif picture shown in XnViewMP 0.50 "Properties":

I would like if this date format can be natively reinterpreted by XnViewMP especially coming from my perspective as a UK (Britain) software user as we put our 'day' before the 'month' in date shorthand

06/24/2012 - North American
[same date]
24/06/2012 - UK & Europe
But apologies to forget the obvious in that XnViewMP for me does not even use slashes but instead uses colons, so I would much prefer a bracketed display if other users don't mind.
Currently XnViewMP displays exif camera picture taken date as: {Year}:{Month}:{Day}
Perhaps all of this should be customizable somehow either in the Settings or as an INI Tweak (see topic).
Another suggestion is the option to see the actual month written alphabetically like Windows Explorer does, for example; 24 June 2012