XnView MP for Mac 10.4 doesn't open

Bugs and Suggestions in XnView MP or XnConvert MP which have been resolved.

Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview


XnView MP for Mac 10.4 doesn't open

Post by kaede »

Hi everyone! I just downloaded XnView MP beta 0.35's Mac 10.4 version (this one) on my Mac OS (10.4.11 PowerPC) but when I extract the file, it appears with a prohibition sign on it. If I try to open it, a window pops up and says
You can't open the application "XnViewMP-035" because it is not supported on this type of Mac.
What is the problem?
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Re: XnView MP for Mac 10.4 doesn't open

Post by XnTriq »


Re: XnView MP for Mac 10.4 doesn't open

Post by kaede »

Thank you so much, I found the "XnView-macosx-10.4.tgz" version that works on my Mac but I tried to convert a .tub file into a .psd and it came out with a black background. Then I tried to convert it into .png but it came out as a blank image. Thank you anyway :)
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Re: XnView MP for Mac 10.4 doesn't open

Post by XnTriq »

Hello kaede =)

As you probably know, the old PPC version of XnView (XnView-macosx-10.4.tgz) hasn't been updated in a long time and isn't under active development anymore.
If you send me your Paint Shop Pro Picture Tube file, I'll try to convert it on Windows with XnView v1.98.1. Feel free to contact me via PM.

Re: XnView MP for Mac 10.4 doesn't open

Post by kaede »

There's no need, if I have to I can use my old Windows and run the application there. Thank you!