XnView MP 1.5.5

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Author of XnView
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:31 am
Location: France

XnView MP 1.5.5

Post by xnview »

Please, don't post bugs or requests in this topic!

You can download XnView MP 1.5.5 here:

Windows x64 ZIP version SHA256: 328D28CE92B38D7DD8AB7735B5E64401BF590DACCC098B0F00B5718B32BE5F91
Windows x64 SETUP version SHA256: 715889D419307E065A43425978BABDE2BE5BF2B138CCB10CCF2FC6EF1A479D21

Mac x64 DMG version SHA256: 809247029F5EA317A8B5CD2F354090E3534F09B5E4BC077879E187BD2C06A70F
Linux x64 TGZ version SHA256: 2E668067F30A745FCC6D1FE6A5E1C2C855161BCCCB1A18236E5FABECEAEE324F
Linux x64 DEB version SHA256: EB2B5606EA2D2FEF09A09E4C637C0B198BBE61564A69D07B205218E593C7A019

ARM version: https://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-linux-arm.tgz https://download.xnview.com/XnViewMP-li ... _armhf.deb

Linux x64 AppImages version: https://download.xnview.com/XnView_MP.g ... 4.AppImage
Linux Flatpak version: https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.xnview.XnViewMP

Changelog 1.5.5:

2929: [Bug] Video's thumbnail (back to MDK 0.21) - viewtopic.php?t=46030
2928: [Bug] TIFF crash - viewtopic.php?t=46026
2927: [Bug] JXL animation - viewtopic.php?t=46018

Changelog 1.5.4:

2926: [New] MDK 0.22.0
2921: [New] About UI - viewtopic.php?t=45993
2920: [New] Import&Sort - Files sorting - viewtopic.php?t=45983
2916: [New] Batch convert: List mode - viewtopic.php?t=45904
2914: [New] Settings - Labels UI - viewtopic.php?t=45980
2912: [New] View filter as Browser setting - viewtopic.php?t=41987
2910: [New] Edit comment - Image display - viewtopic.php?t=45905
2907: [New] Export UI - viewtopic.php?t=45942
2906: [New] Settings>General>Startup - viewtopic.php?t=45771
2904: [New] Search UI - viewtopic.php?t=45363
2899: [New] Settings - interface - shortcuts - add header - viewtopic.php?t=45652
2892: [New] LibJPEGXL 0.8.2
2890: [New] General - Pressing Esc once quits XnViewMP - viewtopic.php?t=45657
2876: [New] Settings>View>Filter
2925: [Bug] Batch convert & Windows - Delete files change focus - viewtopic.php?t=45904
2924: [Bug] No message when catalog can't be opened
2923: [Bug] EXIF float value - viewtopic.php?t=45992
2922: [Bug] Bicubic-Lanczos sampling on high dpi screen - viewtopic.php?t=45754
2919: [Bug] Bicubic-Lanczos4 sampling problem - viewtopic.php?t=45677
2918: [Bug] Batch convert - Source file removed before saving (delete original) - viewtopic.php?t=45904
2917: [Bug] Batch convert - ESC must show dialog before closing - viewtopic.php?t=45904
2915: [Bug] XnConvert: useRecycleBin setting not used - viewtopic.php?t=45904
2913: [Bug] Quick search & base path - viewtopic.php?t=45823
2911: [Bug] Watermark - import folder
2909: [Bug] Sort by comment - viewtopic.php?t=45969
2908: [Bug] Embedded comment in view mode not displayed
2905: [Bug] 'Read ahead' & audio files - viewtopic.php?t=45819
2903: [Bug] Search - controls focus - default button focused - viewtopic.php?t=45956
2902: [Bug] Zoom area on hDPI screen - viewtopic.php?t=45839
2901: [Bug] Viewer - Watermark - Selection resized during move - viewtopic.php?t=45855
2900: [Bug] Slideshow - close after last image - viewtopic.php?t=45637
2898: [Bug] Crash at startup - viewtopic.php?t=45935
2897: [Bug] Viewer - contact sheet - crash when Backgound image button pressed - viewtopic.php?t=45505
2896: [Bug] Batch convert - text - fix aspect controls - viewtopic.php?t=45589
2895: [Bug] NoDrives registry not checked correctly - viewtopic.php?t=45931
2894: [Bug] Batch convert: {DstWidth/Height} and crop - viewtopic.php?t=45949
2893: [Bug] JPEGXL should use multithreading - viewtopic.php?t=45863
2891: [Bug] Contact sheet: Margin & header/footer - viewtopic.php?t=45843
2889: [Bug] Paint dialog layout - viewtopic.php?t=45940
2888: [Bug] Copy edited image into another app - viewtopic.php?t=45864
2887: [Bug] Batch convert: Automatic crop edges not saved - viewtopic.php?t=45941
2886: [Bug] Batch convert - inner frame - frame sizing issues - viewtopic.php?t=45907
2885: [Bug] Settings>Thumbnail - custom label - viewtopic.php?t=45629
2884: [Bug] Viewer - Watermark - Default size - viewtopic.php?t=45909
2883: [Bug] Description not copied when moving folder - viewtopic.php?t=45862
2882: [Bug] Batch convert - IPTC-IIM/XMP dropdown does not work - viewtopic.php?t=45902
2881: [Bug] Empty "Size" label is not hidden - viewtopic.php?t=45842
2880: [Bug] 'Reset Auto image size' problem in fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=45926
2879: [Bug] Compare: With tabs, not same zoom/position - viewtopic.php?t=45815
2878: [Bug] Compare: zoom in the center of the image - viewtopic.php?t=45815
2877: [Bug] HEIC file with different extension - viewtopic.php?t=45934
2875: [Bug] Unicode Exif User Comment - viewtopic.php?t=45752
2874: [Bug] Incorrect megapixel format ??in "Properties" - viewtopic.php?t=45900
2873: [Bug] Non image files shown in viewer mode - viewtopic.php?t=45886
2872: [Bug] TIFF CVE - Thanks to Seyit Sigirci
2871: [Bug] Web capture removed - viewtopic.php?t=45880

Changelog 1.5.3:

2870: [Bug] Filter problem in Viewer mode - viewtopic.php?t=45775
2869: [Bug] Crash on HEIC: Back to heif.dll 1.15.1 - viewtopic.php?t=45769
2868: [Bug] MacOS HEIC loaded as 32bits - viewtopic.php?t=45756

Changelog 1.5.2:

2867: [Bug] High zoom quality default - viewtopic.php?t=45740
2852: [Bug] Custom filter & PDF - viewtopic.php?t=45685
2866: [Bug] Crash on HEIC with orientation 180 - viewtopic.php?t=45725
2858: [Bug] Browser - fix Tooltip - viewtopic.php?t=45554

Changelog 1.5.1:

2865: [Bug] MacOS: Crash when loading monitor color profile
2864: [Bug] Default on context menu - viewtopic.php?t=45729
2863: [Bug] Rating/label lost when moving files (without catalog) - viewtopic.php?t=45701
2862: [Bug] Open with problem & last arg removed - viewtopic.php?t=45697
2861: [Bug] Load information for HEIC very slow - viewtopic.php?t=45725
2860: [Bug] Color profile not saved in HEIF - viewtopic.php?t=45718
2859: [Bug] MacOS: Title bar not updated - viewtopic.php?t=45705
2858: [Bug] Browser - fix Tooltip - viewtopic.php?t=45554
2857: [Bug] Paint & highdpi scaling - viewtopic.php?t=45684
2856: [Bug] Some issues with 'Hide Tab when only one is opened' - viewtopic.php?t=45667
2855: [Bug] Settings - toolbar - Set icon no label when custom command - viewtopic.php?t=45671
2854: [Bug] Filter by video & open - viewtopic.php?t=44909
2853: [Bug] Batch rename: replace with : - viewtopic.php?t=45693
2852: [Bug] Custom filter & PDF - viewtopic.php?t=45685
2851: [Bug] MacOS: ICC for HEIC portrait picture - viewtopic.php?t=45624
2850: [Bug] Settings>Interface>Toolbar - viewtopic.php?t=45669
2849: [Bug] ICC & 32bits picture

Changelog 1.5.0:

2845: [New] MDK 0.21
2844: [New] Shortcut to crop in crop panel - viewtopic.php?t=45451
2843: [New] Shortcut for 'Filter by All' - viewtopic.php?t=45275
2840: [New] Settings - unify ui of Toolbar, Shortcuts, Context menu tabs - viewtopic.php?t=45487
2839: [New] Viewer - context menu - group in to navigate - viewtopic.php?t=45413
2834: [New] Slideshow: Multiple audio in .sld - viewtopic.php?t=45478
2829: [New] Slideshow - Auto hide cursor setting
2828: [New] Compare: Slider A/B - viewtopic.php?t=43391
2826: [New] Metadata menu - viewtopic.php?t=44198
2825: [New] Animated JPEGXL - viewtopic.php?t=43677
2823: [New] GoPro RAW read support - viewtopic.php?t=44643
2817: [New] 'Back' should select previous subfolder - viewtopic.php?t=45415
2814: [New] Open With first & last arguments - viewtopic.php?t=45174
2810: [New] Convert: Double click to open thumbnail - viewtopic.php?t=43226
2803: [New] 'Hide tab when only 1 opened' setting - viewtopic.php?t=44656
2794: [New] Column for embedded comment & annotation - viewtopic.php?t=44134
2770: [New] Save as dialog - viewtopic.php?t=45006
2737: [New] Paint: UI - viewtopic.php?t=45156
2761: [New] Batch convert: Input tab ui - viewtopic.php?t=45163
2760: [New] Viewer mode: Send mail - viewtopic.php?t=43447
2756: [New] Copy/Move to dialog : 'New folder' - viewtopic.php?t=42286
2752: [New] -browse command line - viewtopic.php?t=44856
2751: [New] ByPass filter setting in browser - viewtopic.php?t=45004
2750: [New] Batch rename progress dialog - viewtopic.php?t=45062
2749: [New] IPTC: Default Country code - viewtopic.php?t=45080
2744: [New] Settings for statusbar in Viewer - viewtopic.php?t=44705
2741: [New] LIBWEBP 1.3.0
2842: [Bug] Edit IPTC on TIFF
2841: [Bug] Draw - eyedropper - distorted cursor on high DPI screen - viewtopic.php?t=45408
2838: [Bug] Viewer - pan - images context menu invokes from pan - viewtopic.php?t=45467
2837: [Bug] Slieshow transitions - viewtopic.php?t=45474
2836: [Bug] Slideshow: When paused, next/previous restart
2835: [Bug] Categories order after rename or drag&drop - viewtopic.php?t=45030
2833: [Bug] Different RAW image size - viewtopic.php?t=45490
2832: [Bug] Thumbnail label: EXIF Colour space missing
2831: [Bug] Batch convert - Closing dialog with only files added via shortcut - viewtopic.php?t=45472
2830: [Bug] Batch convert: Icc convert & preview - viewtopic.php?t=40240
2827: [Bug] ICC profile is no more applied at loading - viewtopic.php?t=41584
2701: [Bug] Windows: Change timestamp & long path - viewtopic.php?t=45102
2824: [Bug] Compare: Delete file doesn't rearrange views - viewtopic.php?t=43367
2822: [Bug] IPTC: Writing IPTC/XMP in TIFF
2821: [Bug] Crop: selection tooltip and rotation - viewtopic.php?t=45378
2820: [Bug] Batch convert: Mask & transparent image - viewtopic.php?t=45270
2819: [Bug] Wrong thumbnail orientation after JPEG lossless transformation - viewtopic.php?t=45412
2818: [Bug] Export in TIFF LZW+Predictor - viewtopic.php?t=45396
2816: [Bug] Save guetzli - viewtopic.php?t=45081
2815: [Bug] Viewer - selection loses highlight after Spotlight - viewtopic.php?t=45251
2813: [Bug] MacOS: unable to set icon for a toolbar item
2812: [Bug] Edit IPTC: bad encoding
2811: [Bug] Non bilinear filter & high dpi scaling - viewtopic.php?t=43888
2809: [Bug] MacOS: Invalid icon after 'new folder' - viewtopic.php?t=45365
2808: [Bug] Compare: Zoom should not reset position - viewtopic.php?t=44392
2807: [Bug] Tag on selected files in viewer - viewtopic.php?t=41323
2806: [Bug] Start in browser Fullscreen & filter by video - viewtopic.php?t=44759
2805: [Bug] Paste from colormap image - viewtopic.php?t=45136
2804: [Bug] Viewer - info disappears after fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=45199
2802: [Bug] GIF page previous/next icon - viewtopic.php?t=45118
2801: [Bug] Join - crash fitting large images - viewtopic.php?t=45094
2800: [Bug] Contact sheet: rating not shown - viewtopic.php?t=45125
2799: [Bug] Slideshow: I key to toggle information - viewtopic.php?t=45147
2798: [Bug] Status bar not updated with quick search filter - viewtopic.php?t=44616
2797: [Bug] Filter by & Quick search - viewtopic.php?t=44874
2796: [Bug] Greyscaled image & high zoom quality - viewtopic.php?t=44459
2795: [Bug] Levels mid point - viewtopic.php?t=45187
2793: [Bug] Levels slider - viewtopic.php?t=44499
2792: [Bug] Transparent colormap image resizing - viewtopic.php?t=42018
2791: [Bug] Only filename selected in browser from fullscreen - viewtopic.php?t=43614
2790: [Bug] High Zoom quality for Zoom out - viewtopic.php?t=42386
2789: [Bug] Viewer: Pan tool & hdpi setting change - viewtopic.php?t=45242
2788: [Bug] Lock zoom - viewtopic.php?t=45312
2787: [Bug] Paint: Undo/Redo state - viewtopic.php?t=45352
2786: [Bug] Exclude filter - viewtopic.php?t=41987
2739: [Bug] Video not shown in Browser are shown in Viewer - viewtopic.php?t=44909
2785: [Bug] Search: XMP missing in menu - viewtopic.php?t=45328
2784: [Bug] Viewer: Clean metadata doesn't remove GPS datas - viewtopic.php?t=45359
2783: [Bug] Settings>Catalog - Rebuild thumbnails dialog - viewtopic.php?t=45374
2782: [Bug] Batch convert: Process started even on inative action - viewtopic.php?t=45370
2781: [Bug] Settings>catalog - cache size control - viewtopic.php?t=45362
2780: [Bug] Edit IPTC: text with # - viewtopic.php?t=45384
2779: [Bug] Batch rename - drag&drop use forward slash - viewtopic.php?t=45336
2778: [Bug] Files update after find similar - viewtopic.php?t=45170
2777: [Bug] Selection & preview - viewtopic.php?t=41374
2776: [Bug] Custom filter always active - viewtopic.php?t=45254
2775: [Bug] Categories can't be changed on pasted file - viewtopic.php?t=45321
2774: [Bug] Media button on dark theme - viewtopic.php?t=45331
2773: [Bug] Batch convert - Settings tab ui - viewtopic.php?t=45309
2772: [Bug] EXIF Interoperability Index ignored - viewtopic.php?t=40404
2771: [Bug] Batch convert - long path error - viewtopic.php?t=45289
2769: [Bug] Batch convert: No duplicate internal copy - viewtopic.php?t=44443
2768: [Bug] Resize/Canvase resize dialog height - viewtopic.php?t=43953
2767: [Bug] Create category in 'Category Sets' with mouse - viewtopic.php?t=45267
2766: [Bug] Draw - text - text jumps bottom-right on cursor move - viewtopic.php?t=45294
2765: [Bug] Draw - eyedropper - does not pic correct color on 1-8bit images - viewtopic.php?t=45293
2764: [Bug] Draw - watermark - tool icon stays highlighted - viewtopic.php?t=45299
2763: [Bug] 'Sort by Type' - viewtopic.php?t=45314
2762: [Bug] Crop panel - selection width/height issues - viewtopic.php?t=43993
2759: [Bug] Problem to load file with limited tabs - viewtopic.php?t=43011
2758: [Bug] Quick search no longer applied when closing setting - viewtopic.php?t=43217
2757: [Bug] Search dialog & hidden files - viewtopic.php?t=42481
2755: [Bug] Batch convert - Extract channel extracts nonexisting alpha - viewtopic.php?t=45132
2754: [Bug] Shortcut settings - viewtopic.php?t=45114
2753: [Bug] Batch convert: Offset - viewtopic.php?t=45117
2748: [Bug] Sort format name in Format settings & Export - viewtopic.php?t=45128
2747: [Bug] Import categories file - viewtopic.php?t=44563
2710: [Bug] 2709: Batch convert: Border - width- viewtopic.php?t=44895
2746: [Bug] Effects: Parameters stretched down - viewtopic.php?t=45292
2745: [Bug] Batch convert: IPTC clear fields - viewtopic.php?t=45276
2743: [Bug] Auto correct settings - viewtopic.php?t=44834
2742: [Bug] Changed state - viewtopic.php?t=44899