0.91 beta1 Recent search implementation

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Posts: 490
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:36 am

0.91 beta1 Recent search implementation

Post by jadO »

Current: Recent search does remember search only when ENTER has been pressed.
Bad: This deafeats the purpose of search as you type
Solution: Implement that search gets saved 1. when a new search gets started (meaning that search field gets cleared and a new search starts) and 2. when search field loses focus after a search has been performed

Current: Clear recent search clears all recent searches
Bad: Cannot keep specific ones, like very complicated regex searches
Solution: Option to clear specific recent searches one by one
Posts: 490
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:36 am

Re: 0.91 beta1 Recent search implementation

Post by jadO »

I see that in v91b3 the request has been included. I think it is much better now.
Now only missing is:
1. Selective deletion of recent search items
2. Remember recent search history across sessions