Filename placeholders incorrect output in Batch Convert

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Filename placeholders incorrect output in Batch Convert

Post by Glorious1 »

Using Batch Convert, outputting a WEBP file, I'm trying to get the filename to have the OUTPUT width x height.

Using this: {Filename}_{DstWidth}x{DstHeight}_{Width}x{Height}
both sets of placeholders give the same dimensions, the dimensions of the ORIGINAL file. Neither has the dimensions of the output/saved/destination file.

EDIT: This was the case when the only action was Crop - it is apparently not recognized by the Dst* placeholders. But when I use a Resize action, the output of the Dst* placeholders is close, but in my particular case the DstHeight is still incorrect.
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Re: Filename placeholders incorrect output in Batch Convert

Post by xnview »

do you have always the bug with 1.5.5?