0.61 x64: Various bugs in Fullscreen

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0.61 x64: Various bugs in Fullscreen

Post by BloodyRain2k »

I tried out XnViewMP 0.61 x64 cause XnView is nice but the database is horribly slow because the thumbs are next to the categories.
Anyways, here are some bugs I found that are all related to the fullscreen view:

One bug that's more alone from the rest is that if you open XnViewMP by doubleclicking an image in the explorer which brings you to fullscreen, it doesn't know anymore if it was maximized last time or not when you leave fullscreen, so you always endup with a not-maximized window which is annoying for me as I'm always having it maximized.

Now for the bugs that are about fullscreen and categorizing, also let's assume we have 3 images here, 1 2 and 3:

When I double click image 2 to enter fullscreen on it and categorize it in fullscreen with the floating properties window it doesn't care about that. It doesn't matter if I now jump to 1 or 3 or leave fullscreen, the change isn't made.
Now if I double click image 2 to enter fullscreen on it and jump to 1, then back to 2, then to 3 and then back to 2, categorize it and jump then to 1 the change is made to 2.

But if I'd now double click 2, set a category and NOT jump to another image (which is as far as I can tell the only time it's saving changes) but leave fullscreen again no changes are made, but if I double click 2 again the category I just set is still set, when I now jump to either 1 or 3 THESE get the tag that wasn't set to 2. My suggestion would be that category changes get saved also when leaving fullscreen as that doesn't seem to be the case currently.
Also if I double click 2 again after it's change got applied to the wrong image the category I set before is STILL set, though it's not working a second time to apply it to the wrong image again as described above.

Talking about categorizing the wrong image, this is one is complicated: double click 2, set a category, jump to 1. Now mosttimes it will set the category for 1 instead of 2 where it was made, but I had it a few times that it instead applied it to 3 that I didn't even jump to.

So just to throw out my 2 cent: maybe it should just save every change immediately with the updating of the checkbox, that way you have more file activity but less probability that something applies something to the wrong something.

Now about the bugs not related to categories:

First one's that the floating properties window has amnesia, it doesn't remember what tabs were enabled or disabled between sessions. If it's supposed to mirror the browser's properties window it's doing not the best job currently. So I can disable all tabs besides categories again (can I have an option to make categories the first tab, please?) and it will remember that, until I close XnViewMP.

The next bug is about it's pinning, the rating star shows up in the upper right corner if set and the floating properties window leaves space for that, the pinned does not and the star doesn't appear a bit more left next where it would need to.
When to top floating window is pinned the start moves down to stay visible just for example.
Also I just noticed, before pinning it once the floating properties window is smaller than after pinning, when pinnined it uses up the full available screenheight, before being pinned once it does not.

Anyways, that's all I can remember currently. I hope these can be fixed because aside the smaller but sadly annoying bugs is XnViewMP great :D
Debian 12 x64 - XnViewMP 1.6.2 x64
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:37 pm

Re: 0.61 x64: Various bugs in Fullscreen

Post by BloodyRain2k »

I think I figured out the problem with the wrong assigned categories:
If you enter fullscreen and open the floating categories window it's pointing at the wrong image, probably the last that was in fullscreen (it doesn't update where it's pointing to when opening), now switch either forward or backwards, now open the floating categories window again and it'll point at the new current image, from here on it's opening for the correct window.

So aside of saving changes to the categories instantly should it also check that it's opening for the correct image when opening.

Also another kinda fullscreen bug: hiding the menu with ctrl+F11 in the viewer and then unhiding it will de-maximize XnViewMP if it was maximized before.

Edit: another fullscreen bug: setting categories and then assigning a rating with ctrl+num without switching to actually set the categories will forget them and not set them upon switching after the rating was set.
Debian 12 x64 - XnViewMP 1.6.2 x64