Yet, when I used File>Open from the main menu, the .mp4 files played fine.
I checked under Tools>Settings and looked at File List>Custom and noticed that all of the boxes were checked. But, for some reason, some video file types like .mp4 files are in the Audio Section instead of the video section.
I then looked for some kind of configuration file and found /home/myname/.xnviewmp/xnview.ini and saw that xnview.ini had a section for File Formats. So, I just modified it so that the .mp4 files were in the video versus audio section, as follows:
Code: Select all
ps=ps ai epsf pdf eps
text=cpp c++ txt css ini php pas c h js cc
avi=divx asf flv rm wmv avi vob vfw mkv
qt=3gp mov 3g2 qt 3gp2
mpeg=m2v mts mpeg mpa mpe mpg mpm m1s m2ts m1v mp4
audio=mp+ mp2 mp3 aif ogg wav mpc asx mpp mid wma au rmi snd
archive=zip tgz arj tar rar gz
sh /opt/XnView/
That fixed the problem for me so that I can now open .mp4 files from the browser window (and they also play in the preview pane now).
Note that they do present a problem if you're navigating in full screen mode (as you don't have a way to move to the next or previous file when a video starts playing by defaul). Going into Settings>Full Screen and checking the TooBbar box fixes that (so that you can get arrow keys for navigation back again via the ToolBar- as they don't work without it once you hit a video like they do with still images).
Anyway, you may want to move .mp4 files to the video section in the xnview.ini file as the default so that they can be opened from the browser window without the need to manually edit the xnview.ini file to get them into the right category (video versus audio), and figure out what needs to change in the navigation part when navigating between video and still image files in full screen mode (so that you don't need to specifically enable the toolbar for that purpose once you get to a video file).
P.S. -- I don't have any thumbnails for them, even though the .mp4 files are in the video category now (after I modified the xnview.ini file) and will open from the browser window now. Their Thumbnails in the Browser window are shown "txt", and using the "Rebuild Thumbnails" menu choice doesn't correct it.
I have not installed any of the Windows versions of your software yet. But, I suspect the same problem (.mp4 files don't open from the browser screen without manually editing the xnview.ini file) is in other OS versions of XnView MP, too -- as I did find one post about it (not in the Bug Reports forum), where a user said they could not open mp4 files (and I suspect that user had the Windows version installed, although the post didn't specify)