Mouse Navigation a bit broken in Browser - including fix
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Mouse Navigation a bit broken in Browser - including fix
I use Windows 8-64 and Windows 7-64 at home. All you read here has been going on in Win 8.
I own a Mouse with a total of 8 buttons. In the software I use right, left, the scrollwheel and two small buttons at the left side, forward and back. All this works with the standard MS Driver since 2006, when the last update came out. The back button, also called button 4, is exremely useful. I tooksome time until I realized. Since I use it, I never need the the back in any toolbar, Windows Explorer ,Firefox, Chrome all d the same. It is convienient, since I use the Mousepointer much less moving around and save time. A feature not to miss. But the browser of Xn MP does the equal like the left button: selecting a thumbnail. I thought about using the imagebrowser now on regular basis, but this is far to incovienient navigating in folders, believe it or not. A default keybouard shortcut was there, I looked in the .ini file and the preferences GUI. After checking these nowhere button 4 was mentioned. I remembered you can program macros on the buttons somehow ans visited Logitech support, the have a tool that shold do this, I is aimed at gamers and I expected not too much. I was surprised about the driver, you really can costimise anything. It even has an editor for Lua Script.
But it was an easy fix: copy the standard configuration, rename in Xnview assingn button 4 to keyboard command backspace, save and test. Works you won't notice a difference. When you open Xnwiev the configuration gets active, when you close the program or minimize it the standard settings get active again. I exported the config to an xml file and attached it, feel free to use. The supported hardware is mentioned in the file.
But to be honest this should fixed. Just integrate the standard mousedriver like anyone else. One thing I noticed today when I used english skin was that the button that MS, Google and others usually refer to as "back" command, is called in the browser as "up", that is a different command even if it may trigger the same event: going back to the previous folder or going up one level in the folder structure.
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