Ratings and Labels Disappear

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Gérard 91
Posts: 89
Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:33 pm

Re: Ratings and Labels Disappear

Post by Gérard 91 »

Of course with a new database no problem.
After optimization of my actual one that specific problem disappear.
But I Notice
Before optimazation
Thumb.db : 65896 Mo
Xnviewdb : 354712 Mo

After optimization (all options checked)
Thumb.db : 65896 Mo
Xnviewdb : 354712 Mo

???? It was specified 200 Mo for maxi size of thumb and 50 for the other DB (I thought thumb were the most voluminous!)

These last weeks I worked mainly on IPTC/XMP, tagging precisely - alternately one and several- JPEG files. (# 1000 in order to have picture's informations displayed -like taxonomy- in some slide-show)
I have some problems with database perhaps after program's crashes (with label rating and label disappearing*) (and also some more ".bak" I told you, a bit annoying to delete but not too much important)
But not all problems are Xnview's fault !
In contrast with database, when I have problems with IPTC/XMP in files, it's only my fault : forgetting checking box or making some mistake (It would be much better if always visible in the options box -like Xn Win- as someone and I ask it).
That's the reason I suggested some improvement for batch tagging to facilitate corrections http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=28791

* I am sorry but can't identify always a common point before problem (also because sometimes I notice it afterwards).

An other one, I just have this evening after copying a directory on a laptop where Xnview is fresh installed: rating is not displayed on the thumb see below

I, close,open, refresh, optimize db, rebuild thumb .. nothing!
What did I missed ?
Thanks for help

Kind regards
Gérard 91
Posts: 89
Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:33 pm

Re: Ratings and Labels Disappear

Post by Gérard 91 »

:) After moving the directory and renaming it with Win Explorer (out of Xnview), Xnview MP consider that new thing and accepted to display rating upon the thumbail (I suppose it should be the same for labels).:)
All what I did inside Xnview with DB or otherwise with directory and files did not succeed http
I don't doubt that Pierre will soon propose a new version that fix this worrying and disturbing problem (which surely discourages new users).
