Please help us to handle and solve the problem you experience:
- Below please find a template bug report. Please copy and use this bug report template when reporting a bug.
- Please start a new topic for each bug report. This will make answering and handling your problems easier.
- The sample bug report gives you an idea how to fill out the template.
- Bugs are bugs. And suggestions are suggestions. Please post suggestions in MP - Suggestions.
- Please make sure that you use the latest release of XnView MP. Currently this is XnView MP 0.84.
- If you aren't sure that you really found a bug, please post in "MP - General Support".
For each status of a bug there is a sub-forum and your bug report will "wander" through these sub-forums.
You'll find all your posted topics and bugs in User Control Panel » Show your posts.
Thank you in advance for your help in improving XnView!
Bug report - Template (please copy into a new topic and fill out):
Subject: 0.99.7: <short bug title>
XnView: MP 0.99.7 - 32 bit/64 bit
OS: Windows / Linux / Mac / ... - 32 bit/64bit
<Short description of the problem.>
Effect: <What's the effect for the user? Examples: Program crashes, Program hangs, files are deleted, display glitch, focus is lost, ...>
To reproduce:
1. <Step 1>
2. <Step 2>
3. ...
Actual behaviour (bug): <Current wrong behaviour of XnView>
Expected behaviour: <Expected, correct behaviour of XnView>
Bug report - Example:
Subject: 0.99.7: Crash in Fullscreen when navigating to next image
XnView: MP 0.99.7 - 64-bit
OS: Windows 10 - 64-bit
XnView crashes when navigating in fullscreen using "Page down" key.
Effect: XnView crashes
To reproduce:
1. Browse a folder A with four image files (JPEG format).
2. Select first image file.
3. Open fullscreen (view) using F11 key.
4. Press "Page down" to navigate to the next image
Actual behaviour (bug): XnView crashes
Expected behaviour: No crash, next image is displayed.