MP 0.30 Win: Certain .ico in browser doesn't open in viewer

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MP 0.30 Win: Certain .ico in browser doesn't open in viewer

Post by budz45 »

Hi again,

This particular .ico file I have is not launching in the viewer but is opening in an external program Windows Gallery Viewer. This is weird behavior as I just tested the same .ico icon file in 0.26.1 browser and it opens in the MP viewer just fine.

This is the icon file I am talking about:

Image TrueImageLauncher.exe,
(you must remove the '.zip' file extension to view)[/color][/i]

Another thing, is that the thumbnail display in browser (thumbnails+details view) for this same icon looks more proper in 0.26.1, could you make it like 0.26.1 again:

This behavior doesn't happen in 0.26.1 browser, please identify and fix.
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Re: MP 0.30 Win: Certain .ico in browser doesn't open in vie

Post by xnview »

budz45 wrote:This particular .ico file I have is not launching in the viewer but is opening in an external program Windows Gallery Viewer. This is weird behavior as I just tested the same .ico icon file in 0.26.1 browser and it opens in the MP viewer just fine.
You can't open in the view mode this .ico???
Another thing, is that the thumbnail display in browser (thumbnails+details view) for this same icon looks more proper in 0.26.1, could you make it like 0.26.1 again:
You means the size of icon?? Strange, i have the same behavior than 0.26
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Re: MP 0.30 Win: Certain .ico in browser doesn't open in vie

Post by budz45 »

xnview wrote: You can't open in the view mode this .ico???
Wierd, this problem has disappeared, but when I just last checked 10 minutes ago it was there and it was only affecting when I double-click on the icon. When I right-click and press open it works just fine but this issue has gone away, FOR NOW. Really Strange!
xnview wrote: You means the size of icon?? Strange, i have the same behavior than 0.26
Afain, This problem has just disapeared after playing around in Xnview MP more, really wierd because it was just here.

OK for both issues I would have to re-test MP on a separate machine and let you know.
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