"... designate the date the intellectual content of the objectdata was created rather than the date of the creation of the physical representation. ... Where the month or day cannot be determined, the information will be represented by '00'. Where the year cannot be determined, the information for century and year will be represented by '00'. ..."
XnView 1.97.x fully supports this date interface: it is possible to insert "uncertain" dates in IPTC DateCreated (data set 2:55) without problems.
XnViewMP 0.26.1 (as tested on WinXP) does not support this interface:
- it is not possible to specify an uncertain date in IPTC DateCreated;
- an existing uncertain date in IPTC DateCreated (as inserted by XnView 1.97) is shown as "01.01.2000" in the IPTC dialog window;
- more serious, the uncertain date will be overwritten by this default date in case another IPTC entry is updated. Obviously, this is a data corruption and an incompatibility to Xnview 1.97.