0.21 Wrong rotation when Exif orientation is set

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0.21 Wrong rotation when Exif orientation is set

Post by bruvi »

full title:
Wrong rotation when Exif orientation is set and rotation image based on EXIF orientation unchecked

I have chosen to have the images displayed without honoring the EXIF orientation tag (Settings: general/general/rotate image based on EXIF orientation = uncheck), because other programs that I use can't deal with it.

Let's say I have made a portrait image which is stored as landscape with the sky on its left plus the EXIF orientation tag set to "right-top (6)".
To make it look good, I want to rotate it 90° clockwise, I click on the corresponding button.
Problem: the result is a 180° rotation: landscape image with the sky is on the right, but EXIF tag set to "top-left (1)"
Then I can click on the rotate CCW button to finally get a portrait image with sky on top (works OK because EXIF tag=1)

I just made some tests with the "rotate image based on EXIF orientation" setting checked: it woks correctly, portrait images go landscape in the expected direction and the EXIF orientation is cleard.
In fact we get the same result as before (landscape images).

So I guess that the rotation buttons act as if "rotation image based on EXIF orientation" was always set.

By the way, great thanks for reviving XnView for Linux!
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Re: 0.21 Wrong rotation when Exif orientation is set

Post by xnview »

Could you send me a jpeg sample?
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Re: 0.21 Wrong rotation when Exif orientation is set

Post by bruvi »

xnview wrote:Could you send me a jpeg sample?
I have put a sample image and an AVI capture of the problem in XnViewMP there: http://brunoviaris.free.fr
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Re: 0.21 Wrong rotation when Exif orientation is set

Post by xnview »

Please, could you test XnViewMP 0.25