SageThumbs - Thumbnail image shell extension

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Re: SageThumbs - Thumbnail image shell extension

Post by photonic »

Does SageThumbs support Google's .webp format? Is it supposed to?
I see that it is listed in but it does not appear on the list of extensions in SageThumbs itself, and when I added it as a custom extension in SageThumbs neither thumbnails or previews show up in Windows Explorer.
(I get a blank thumbnail, and SageThumbs does not appear in the context menu)

Am I doing something wrong, or is it just not supported yet?
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SageThumbs - Windows Explorer Viewer Pane Issue

Post by mgief »


I have installed only SageThumbs and gs854w64.exe on WIndows 7 x64. SageThumbs appears to be working and displays the image thumbnails in Windows Explorer correctly.

But the image viewer pane in Windows Explorer now displays a blurrier (possibly lower resolution?) preview image of files. I cant find any combination of settings to correct the blurriness, apart from for example deselecting ".jpg" in SageThumbs, then jpgs will look normal in the preview pane, but other file types, for example .xcf will still look blurry. I think the amount of blurriness is affected by the setting I select for "Context menu preview size", although I don't want to keep rebooting to see if that still is the case. Even if I set that setting to its maximum of 512x512 the preview pane image still has an amount of bluriness. I have tried clearing the thumbnail cache in SageThumbs.

To test for yourself create a .xcf image, then export that image to jpg. Then turn off jpg in SageThumbs, then compare both images in the preview pane. You will see the jpg looks normal and the xcf looks blurrier.

Thank you for any help in advance.
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Re: SageThumbs - Windows Explorer Viewer Pane Issue

Post by cday »

mgief wrote:
mgief wrote:I have installed only SageThumbs and gs854w64.exe on WIndows 7 x64...
If you are using XnView Classic, it is x32 software and requires Ghostscript x32 even on Windows x64...

You may also need to increase the Ghostscript resolution from the default 72 DPI to a higher value:

Tools > Options > Read/Write -- Read -- EPS/PS/AI/PDF

If you are actually using XnViewMP, you need Ghostscript x32 for XnViewMP 32-bit, or Ghostscript x64 for XnViewMP 64-bit, and the Ghostscript DPI setting is in the Viewer menu: File > Format settings... PS/PDF .

Note that I don't use SageThumbs or .xcf files and only offer the above suggestions as a possible solution to try in the absence of any other replies...
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Re: SageThumbs - Windows Explorer Viewer Pane Issue

Post by mgief »

Thank you for your reply. I am not using XnView or XnViewMP, I only have installed SageThumbs from . I installed the 64bit version of Ghostscript as I am using an x64 version of Windows, is that correct? I suppose your instructions above would be for XnView as I don't seem to have a viewer. Any other ideas?
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Re: SageThumbs - Windows Explorer Viewer Pane Issue

Post by cday »

I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with SageThumbs: I posted because you mentioned Ghostscript which is a common source of problems on the forum, either the wrong version installed or too low a DPI setting resulting in a poor quality image, and no-one else had posted.

My only, small, suggestion would be to install both x32 and x64 versions of Ghostscript to ensure that the version actually required by SageThumbs will be found, there is no problem having both versions installed. Beyond that, I'm not even sure if Ghostscript would have any relevance to the symptoms you describe:
mgief wrote:I have installed SageThumbs and gs854w64.exe on WIndows 7 x64 ... the image viewer pane in Windows Explorer now displays a blurrier (possibly lower resolution?) preview image of files. I cant find any combination of settings to correct the blurriness, apart from for example deselecting ".jpg" in SageThumbs, then jpgs will look normal in the preview pane, but other file types, for example .xcf will still look blurry.

I think the amount of blurriness is affected by the setting I select for "Context menu preview size", although I don't want to keep rebooting to see if that still is the case. Even if I set that setting to its maximum of 512x512 the preview pane image still has an amount of bluriness. I have tried clearing the thumbnail cache in SageThumbs.
@xnview @XnTriq @Anyone ?
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Re: SageThumbs - Windows Explorer Viewer Pane Issue

Post by XnTriq »

cday wrote:@xnview @XnTriq @Anyone ?
Support requests and bug reports regarding SageThumbs are usually responded to by Nikolay Raspopov, cday. If he doesn't reply in this topic, users can contact him via PM or e-mail.
Ohloh ([url=]SageThumbs[/url]) wrote:SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer by using Pierre-e Gougelet's GFL library (XnView's author).
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Re: SageThumbs - Thumbnail image shell extension

Post by rebel »

If you're getting blurry images, have you tried setting the 'menu item' -> image quality -> 100 ? :idea:

I've used sage thumbs for years, as it was one of the first which allowed a person to see all of adobe's file types without having to use their viewer.
I have thumbnails set to 250x250, and image quality at 99
I use ghost script,

I have installed gs for both 32,64 on a 64 machine.
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