Linux script for launching windows version from file-manager

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Linux script for launching windows version from file-manager

Post by marsh »

Images can be opened with windows version from a linux file manager.
1. Create file named "" in same directory as program, containing this information:

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export target=`winepath -w "$1"`
cd ~/wine_drive_d/xnview
wine xnview.exe "$target"
2. Make sure script has permission to run.
3. Substitute your actual program's location for the one listed in sample.
4. Open file manager.
5. Right mouse button upon image.
6. Choose "Open with other application".
7. Browse and select
8. Image should launch in either fullscreen or windowed view according to settings.

Further details:
The "~" character means your home directory. The "winepath" function makes paths readable between Windows and Linux. An image must be at a discoverable location as shown on the "Drive mappings" section of wine's configuration dialog.
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Re: Linux script for launching windows version from file-manager

Post by marsh »

One for nconvert (convert to png):

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export input=`winepath -w "$1"`
cd ~/wine_drive_d/nconvert
wine nconvert.exe -v -in -1 -out png -clevel 3 -o "$\%.png" "$input"
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Re: Linux script for launching windows version from file-manager

Post by marsh »

And one for MP:

Code: Select all

progdir=`dirname $0`
export windir=`winepath -w "$progdir"`
export target=`winepath -w "$1"`
wine $windir/xnview.exe "$target"
Last edited by marsh on Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:32 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Linux script for launching windows version from file-manager

Post by oops66 »

Hello and thank you marsh for these scripts
XnViewMP Linux X64 - Debian - X64