Replace Button in Find Similar Dialog

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Replace Button in Find Similar Dialog

Post by Machete »

medium-ish user/supporter.
First, I cannot express how helpful this application is to me, thank you!

Ok, my idea is a modest one: it would be useful to have a replace file mechanism in the find similar tool.

Now, the immediate complication is that a match can be more than two files. So there has to be a way to indicate replace file X (target) with file Y (source).

The second challenge is, which filename to retain (presuming the user was prompted on whether to delete the source).


Here is my use case that sparked the idea:
1. I have a collection of images and I periodically search for images to add to it.
2. Sometimes I download images already in the collection, either inadvertently or because it is an improvement (e.g. - higher resolution, etc).
3. I run the Find Similar tool after a session to find duplicates.
4. Currently, if I have a match and want to replace the image in my collection, which has a special indexed name, I copy the new image to a transfer folder for processing.
5. After processing, I rename the new file to the same name as the target file, then I move it to the index folder containing that target image.

This isn't a painful process for one or two images but can be tedious for, say, 10. Yesterday, I had five replacements which was enough to have this idea occur.

Ok, that's my pitch, take care and happy holidays!