Windows11 (24H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Settings - thumbnails - overlay icon
thumbnail overlay icons can take too much space with default spacing, which is inconvenient
- add setting to change Spacing between overlay icons
from -1 to current 3px, at -1px icons will overlap and use share single border (see Lighroom example)
- Lightroom
- suggestions
Browser - thumbnails - overlay icon - align bottom row icons
Browser - thumbnails - rework Rating and Color label
Settings - thumbnails - appearance - improve settings
Settings - thumbnails - overlay icon - add more sizes to avoid interpolation
Settings - thumbnails - overlay icon - add custom spacing (current post)
Settings - thumbnails - overlay icon - add custom positioning
Browser - thumbnails - overlay icon - split top row icons
Overlay icons cosmetic update
- done -
Browser - thumbnails - add custom content anchor in cell (1.8.4)